
What is the error Lua code

local trap = script.Parent -- указываем родителя скрипта local function Touch(Part) -- объявляем функцию обработки if Par ... апускающий выполнение функции по касанию плиты The code gives money to any player. How to properly register the owner check?

LuaDec for LuaJIT?

Tell me how to adapt the Luadec decompiler to LuaJIT scripts One guy somehow decompiles LuaJIT scripts using this decompiler, but doesn't want to say how LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3 >luadec Fram.luac luadec: Fram.luac: not a precompiled chunk

Lua Roblox Script: how to implement checkpoints on DataStore

How to make it so that during the game, the player in obbi touches the checkpoint, and if he dies after it, he gets to the c ... in a separate script in ServerScriptService? I've seen a video where they create Teams, but my obbi has more than 100 stages

Lua Tutorial [closed]

Closed. It is impossible to give an objective answer to this question . Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... s complete) a manual for this language? P.S. I can't stand English very well, I will only read it if there is no more output.

Lua comparison,numbers and keys tables

The file contains integers in decimal form. Convert each a number in binary form. Perform data encryption so that every ... 0]=D [11001110]=A [11110101]=C [11111110]=E [11010111]=B а это m[i] 11001110 11010111 11110101 11001100 11111110 11001001

Call a Lua function from a Lua table via the lua C Api

I have the following code in Lua: main_ds = {}; main_ds.teg={}; main_ds.teg:Size = function () return 5; end; I'm trying t ... олжен вернуть 5 However, I can't do it, I always get zero as the result. Please help me figure out what the hitch might be.

writing to Lua files

How do I write to the end of a file? file:write() Just replaces the text.

Lua functional programming

Can someone help you how to redo the code, under the functional programming paradigm local function main() print("Введит ... ость больше") else print("Последовательности равны") end end end main()

Call a function in Lua and get the return value in C++

How do I get data from a Lua script in C++ code? As I understand it, the data exchange from the script to the pros goes throu ... ror of the following content: Unprotected error in call to lua api (attempt to call a nil value) What did I do wrong ?

How do I get nginx to run lua scripts via LuaJIT?

I want to put the logic of checking jwt on the shoulders of nginx: The server has the fol ... T): # ldd /usr/sbin/nginx | grep -i lua => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f64935f7000)

Lua and JAVA interaction

Question: how do I execute a Lua script in a java web application? It is necessary to execute various lua scripts from the ... e buttons, I just don't even know where to look and where to look, and I need to complete the task, I am grateful in advance.

LUA lib + C language, using module functions returns runtime error

Using the functions of standard Lua modules constantly returns a Runtime error. Sample code: //... char script[] = "io.write ... ), NULL)); printf("%d\n", lua_pcall(L, 0, 0, 0)); //... Outputs: 0 Hello! 0 How to use such functions correctly? Thanks!

How exactly does canvas work.compose () do Lua?

Canvas: compose (x, Y, canvas_src) Makes the composition pixel by pixel between two canvas. The canvas passed as SRC ' is ... on the right side. Image starts at position 0.0 (left / top)and is increased to fill the entire canvas size (1920x1080).

Moon, separate string with numbers in a table!

I have a system to redeem codes, in case I would put in a text file something like this: HFGD65,{2454,2454},1,1 Series: ... arate by": " The first would return string (the code) -- HB7S5S And the other(3) would return: Number: (Table) 1 1

What is the use of # (cerquilha) in the Lua language?

I'm watching this tutorial about creating a game and I came across something I didn't understand about the Lua language. Th ... ode where there is the following expression: ents.objects[#ents.objects] What Does # (cerquilha) mean in this expression?

Is it possible to program for web with Lua?

I see many tutorials on the internet that assimilate the use of the language Lua to game development. But I would like to kn ... following: Is it possible to develop for web using the Lua language? Is there any framework that can make this possible?

What is the difference between repeat and while in lua?

Is there any difference as to the usability of repeat and while in Lua? In my opnion, the two seem to have the same purpose. Not taking into account the syntax, is there any difference between them, even if it is minimal?

Which Development Environments (IDE) for Android and IOS using Lua?

I want to know what Development Environment options to develop applications for Android and IOS using the Lua language.

What does "runtime introspection" mean?

Looking for information about a graphical toolkit in Lua, I found an explanation about LGI (GTK) that had a big advantage: ". ... t easy to creating bindings for other languages...". Can anyone help me better understand what "runtime introspection" means?

Find the angle between 2 3D vectors

I want the angles X Y Z between the 2 vectors To make a line between them two. math.atan2(t2.y - t1.y, t2.x - t1.x) * 180 ... have to go fast. I need to find out the angle to rotate the Orange Line between the 2 points, connecting them by the same.