
How to check if a method exists in a class in Python?

How to check if a method exists in a class in Python? Is there a function that does this? class Test(object): def meth ... : pass For example, I would like to check through a condition if a certain method exists to call it if it exists.

How to reuse event code?

I have events to which pressing different Keys performs some actions but I need to use the esma thing in more than one Form ... iza.SpeakAsync("9"); } if (e.KeyCode == Keys.D0) { sintetiza.SpeakAsync("0"); }}

What is the word "self" for in Python? [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... ery reason I wanted to know what the reserved word "self"works for. From now on I thank you for your attention and patience!

What are the differences between the "equals()", "compareTo()", and even "== " methods?

I am aware that there are differences between comparing objects using equals(), compareTo() and even the operator ==, but in detail what are the differences between them and the care we should take in the use of each?

What is a method signature?

Is a signature of the common method/function or constructor composed of its name + amount of parameters + type of the parameters?

What are the reasons to choose between camelCase and PascalCase in method names?

First, I'm not wondering what you like most or what you use in your language, I want to know the motivation for choosing one ... because choosing the default style is not part of this discipline, so I wanted to understand the motivation of use of each.

Fetch value from a non-static method of the class itself, in a jfieldtextFocusLost method

I have a method created by me that does the return of a boolean: public boolean ValidaNumero() { long valor; if(N ... ter less than two digits or characters, this code is rotated twice and the error message appears twice, can you explain why ?

Can the "main ()" method be overloaded or overwritten?

I read the answer What does public static void main(String[] args) mean?, but I still have two doubts about the method main(): can the main() method be overloaded? can the main() method be overwritten?

In what order to arrange the methods of a Java class?

In what order to arrange the methods of a Java class? Whereas a class can have: constructors, static methods, private method ... lgoPublico(); } } In what order to place the methods so that it is easy to find one method being called within another?

Doubt for creating and working with class arrays in JAVA

I have a program with 2 classes. The player class that contains only the Attribute name: public class player { String name; ... , I need to store an X amount of players and change / pick up their names. So I needed to manipulate the data of this Vector

Parameters with vectors in Java are always by reference?

I am aware that in Java, any parameter pass of an object is by reference, already with primitive types, by value. However, I ... tself or generating a copy? A vector is considered primitive or object (since it points to the address of the first element)?

Doubt about the replace method()

The replace () method is a method of the str class, correct? Follows a code that' runs ' perfectly where the object is an in ... pass PS. The currency () function transforms an integer into currency format by replacing the integer points with commas.

What reason does the "missing ()" at the end of the program Send me an error in which it is not even possible to compile?

Main Nota estudante = new Nota(); estudante.Matricula = Console.ReadLine(); estudante.Nome = Consol ... } public void print() { media(); falta(); melhor(); }

Call method with parameter with vector elements defined

Good night! I have created a method that calculates the elements of a vector and averages it overall, but I am not able to c ... r; media mediaturma = new media(); System.out.println( mediaturma.getMediatotal()); } }

Passing variable value obtained in one method to another method in Java

The project is about a school GED, where there is the main class that makes the connection with database and there is another ... System.out.println("nome: "+nome+"\naluno: "+aluno); } } In the case, I was testing first pass only the student's name.

Inconsistent accessibility: parameter type " teacher "is less accessible than method" teacher.Insert (Teacher)"

What do I do to fix this error? It turns red under the methods created in this code. And when I hover the mouse shows: Inco ... del.Professor oProf) { if (oProf.Codigo > 0) dalProf.Delete(oProf); } } }

Method and Subprogramme [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... ay they're going to do a subprogram that does something, usually people say, "I'm going to do a method that does something.".

C#, What are methods, classes, and objects? [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... What are the differences between all three? Besides them have any more? I'm new to development, and I want to learn more.

Doubts with EcmaScript 6 exercise

This ECMAScript exercise talks about creating two classes, one of user (where email and password entry will occur), another o ... [email protected]", "senha123"); console.log(User1.isAdmin()); //retornará false console.log(Adm1.isAdmin()); //retornará true