
Is it bad practice to use only static methods in a class?

Was studying deeper OOP, learning more advanced concepts like polymorphism, Override, classes and final methods, abstraction, ... ervice ProjetoDoCara::Operar();. But then a question arose, if this is a good practice, does it not escape the rules of OOP?

Why use a generic return?

Was looking at the signature of the class methods Optional and I didn't understand what this <T> means in front of the ... t; Optional<T> empty() It returns a Optional<T>, right!? But why use a <T> in front of the method return?

Instantiate class or use public methods?

When using a method of a class, there are two approaches: instantiate the class and use the method by the object, or make the ... e = new Cliente(); cliente.cadastrarCliente(); Or make the method static and something like: Cliente.cadastrarCliente();

Why is the entry point of applications a static method?

A method declared static means that it belongs to the type and not the instance of an object. In a C # Console Application, ... of type Application or ConsoleApplication (i.e. whatever name I gave to the class containing the input method), for example?

How to calculate the ROC curve using only confusion matrix

I would like to know how to find the ROC curve having only the confusion matrix. tp = 55922 fp = 1221 fn = 1035 tn = 41812