
Javadoc for Java 8 does not work

There is a project with Java 8 features, compiled, executed as it should. I work in Eclipse, Mac OS. But when generating Java ... s obtained from the official site? Or this program separately, since it is very inconvenient to load 230 MB in my conditions.

How to get privatekey from keystore on mac osx via java?

I write a jar for filling the apk in Google Play. Required to send the p12 key, it was placed in the keystore on the mac No ... key in the clear, so we put it in the keychain. Here is such a task... Knowledgeable, direct, pliz, in the right direction.

Latex on Mac OS

I'm sorry, but I've already tried everything I can and can't do. Source data: Mac OS El Capitan, fresh MacTeX, fresh Texmaker ... h]{babel} Please do not send it to tex. stackexchange, there are no Russians there, but here I have seen similar questions.

Mac os x 10.13.4 macbook pro 13 2012 does not see the external drive exfat

I can't connect an external seagate 1tb hard drive under exfat to my macbook. Air under the same OS version saw it, a PC unde ... e under fat32, so the port is working properly. I will be grateful if the one who faced and decided to share the information!

Alternative extensions for safari

In chrome and in firebox there are excellent applications for translation link. Select the text, an icon appears, or use hot ... f of the functionality. Or the default Makovsky dictionary translates only by word. Is there something worthy of attention?

Why is the line feed CR+LF and not LF+CR?

After all, the idea is to first feed a new line, and only then return the carriage PS For macOS and linux users: do you really only have one LF character?

rename a group of files, why does bash swear?

In the Internet I found how to do it: basename -s .txt *.txt | xargs -n1 -i mv {}.txt {}.sh xargs: illegal option -- r usage ... ...]] rename 's/.txt/.sh/g' *.txt -bash: rename: command not found Man rename-open What am I doing wrong? P.S. OS X system

macOS hangs on the virtual machine when you connect the iPhone

The case looks like this: Set to vmware 14. Installed on it mac os high sierra. The mac OS has XCode installed. The kit a ... s continues to hang. Question: tell me how you can fix / bypass the macos hang? Optionally, what could be causing the hang?