
Python, ML: data preprocessing for predict

The data for the train to pass pre-processing (normalization/standardization, etc.) However, the predict module -- for the sa ... general, is this -- training the model on standardized data, but predicting on NON-standardized data -- a significant error?

How to use df. rolling (..., win type= 'exponential'). mean()

I want to calculate a weighted moving average using df.rolling().mean(). The weights for the values in the window can be set ... ith win_type='exponential', outputs: # ValueError: The 'exponential' window needs one or more parameters -- pass a tuple.

Input data for a convolutional neural network

I can't figure out how to convert images to the input of the convolutional network. For example, I want to recognize circles ... rk is trained on 100x100 pxs data: At the output, I want to recognize all the circles: The drawings are approximate.

Nonlinear regression by the Gauss-Newton method

It is required to implement a nonlinear regression of the circular point cloud. There is a point cloud in 3d circular cross-s ... ud. Tell me, in which direction to look for a solution and are there any examples of implementations of nonlinear regression?

A selection of datasets for building machine learning models

This question collects lists of datasets and utilities for data markup. Please edit the existing response

Selection of methods for optimizing mathematical functions

Due to the increasing importance of machine learning and approximate methods for optimizing loss functions, I would like to have a list of different options for optimization algorithms. If you want to add another optimization method, edit the answer

What machine learning methods can be used to solve the problem of video classification?

I need to implement a multi-class classification of videos. By gesturing, you need to identify the person. The dataset consis ... tions can be optimal in terms of memory consumption and time consumption? I'm using python 3.6 on an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970.

Select a parameter that maximizes the F-measure

I select the parameter k (integer) to multiply the classification threshold T. That is, T = 0.1k. There are three algorithm ... 6023125, 0.7659328 , 0.70362246, 0.70127618, 0.8578749 , 0.83641841, 0.62959491, 0.90445368])


How is the objective hyperparameter related to eval_metric in XGBoost?

The problem is in the number of attempts for the neural network, as well as in remembering the weight

The problem is that when I run a neural network, it has to try 200 million attempts to find the answer, and I would like it t ... inputs = np.array([0,1,0]) output = sigmoid( np.dot( new_inputs, synaptic_weights ) ) print("Новая ситуация") print(output)

Video card error, python

I am writing my first GAN neural network in pytorch. During training, the error CUDA error: an illegal memory access was enco ... och: {epoch} Loss D.: {loss_discriminator}\n" + f"Epoch: {epoch} Loss G.: {generator_loss}")

The union of a set.tsv files in one

I'm doing ML to predict the communication quality in wireless mesh networks. I have a dataset that consists of a huge number ... of 5 minutes. The file contents are shown in the figure: How can I combine these files into one for later work? with them?

How to teach linear algebra for AI to a seventh grader?

In general, I am 13 years old and I am in the 7th grade. After learning yap Python, I want to start learning AI and machine l ... t literature or what resource do you recommend for me to study linear algebra(school math course, up to grade 7, I know well)

LSTM keras: how to predict the value on multiple features with time series?

I need to predict the value of the column Close (stock price) with 3 inputs: Close, Open and Volume. Example of a dataset: ... 1)) predictions = model.predict(x_test) print(predictions) print('rmse:', np.sqrt(np.mean(((predictions - y_test) ** 2))))

Python: ValueError too many values to unpack (expected 2)

I'm trying to find the best parameters for the model using GridSearchCV and I want to use the data for April as cross validat ... s_ model.best_params_ When I run the code, this error occurs: Can you please tell me what the problem might be? Thank you

how to train a model if I used KFold cross validation

After splitting the set using the "sklearn.cross_validation.KFold" I have 6 chunks (3 train ,3 test,+ answers for them) . Is ... all the chunks, or do you need to constantly write : Vasya=model.fit(chank1,answer1) a1=model.predict(Vasya,answer_t_1) ?

Search for images containing paper with text

There are several photos available. It is necessary to find among them those photos on which a sheet of paper with text is ca ... ava/Python, then it will be very useful. Here are 2 examples of the desired images and 1 example of an unsuitable image.

Improve video quality

There are low-quality videos, objects are poorly viewed. The task is to recognize objects in the video. Who has experienced video improvement? I think this is quite realistic with the use of neural networks.

Books and learning resources on machine learning

Suggest some good books on mathematics and machine learning. Preferably in an easy-to-understand form. Add it if you have so ... he general answer. This list is included in the community-supported Collection of educational resources on programming.

Which recognition method is relevant for recognizing handwritten letters (Cyrillic)?

If the task is to recognize handwritten letters, which method/algorithm of machine learning is most relevant and gives more a ... s of the Russian alphabet. We need help in choosing the most optimal algorithm/method for recognizing handwritten characters.