
Determining the rank of a matrix without built-in functions in Python

I am writing an algorithm for finding the rank of a matrix without using the built-in function in numpy, but so far it does n ... ): if b[i][j] != 0: key = True if (key == False): count+=1 print(a.shape[0] - count)

Error 2360 and 2361 [duplicate]

This question has already been answered here: ... Closed 4 months ago. Can you please see what's wrong here ? Thank you in advance

Matrix and cubic equation [closed]

Closed. This question should be clarified or supplemented with details. Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... How to solve it? Or at least what you need to know to solve it?)) Answer: -27, calculated using online the calculator)

Passing a matrix row to a function

What is my error in passing a matrix string to a function? #include <stdio.h> #define n 3 int GetSum(int *a[n]){ ... ,0,1},{7,5,7}}; int s[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { s[i] = GetSum(&a[i]); } return 0; }

Transposing a rectangular matrix

Suppose we have a matrix of dimensions m * n, which is stored in a one-dimensional array. How do I transpose it?

Mathematics. Determinant of the n-th order matrix

Help me with the task, I can not fully figure out what is where and how. Thank you very much in advance! To begin with, I ... ond, etc., and then take out the multiplier (x+h) from each line, but there are units and the desired form does not come. :(

How to correctly multiply a matrix by another matrix in multiple threads?

My task is this. I need to multiply a 200x248 matrix by a 248x333 matrix in parallel on 8 threads. On the internet, I found a ... c[i][j] = c[i][j] + a[i][l] * b[l][j]; } } } } }

Raising the matrix to the steppe

I'm trying to do a matrix exponentiation. I know what matrix multiplication looks like (squaring): #include <iostream> ... cout << endl; } return 0; } But how to make an exponentiation out of this, I can't imagine. Tell me. please

NumPy: creating a two-dimensional array

I just started learning NumPy. I want to clarify: b = np.array([[1.5, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) This is creating a two-dimensional array, where b[0][0] = 1.5, b[1][0] = 4, etc.?

Matrix C++Class

Just starting to learn OOP, I wrote a class for matrices and overloaded the input, output,+, -, = operators. The program work ... cout << "c = a:" << c; c = (a + b); cout << "c = a + b" << c; _getch(); return 0; }

Dynamic upper-triangular matrix

You need to set the upper triangular matrix of size 3x3. The row size is set dynamically. int *matrix[3] = {new int[3],new i ... create all lines of size 3 and then delete the first unnecessary elements with the delete operator, but the compiler swears.

Mathcad, the solution of the problem by the Gaussian method

Tell me what the arguments submatrix should be to get the last column of the matrix (the solution of the system), I can't find any information about this anywhere.

How to write the calculation of the Determinant of Large Matrices by the Gaussian method with the choice of the global main element?

You need to write the calculation of the determinant of the matrix, using the Gaussian method with the choice of the global m ... e Gauss method. And I need a special case with the choice of the global main element. I would like to see a clear algorithm.

How to output the entered matrix in c++

I have a problem how to output all the entered elements of the array, and not just the last row of the matrix. #include < ... nt j=0;j<M;j++) { cout<<arr[i][j]<<" "; } cout<<endl; } system("pause"); return 0; }

C++: how to set the dimension of a two-dimensional vector in the class constructor

Class Matrix { int dimension; vector<vector<int>> matrix; public: Matrix(int dimensio ... id it doesn't work matrix.reserve(dimension); for (int i = 0; i < dimension; ++i) { matrix[i].reserve(dimension); }

Class-matrix with random values

The goal is to create a matrix class that can create two-dimensional arrays of specified sizes, but with random values. The ... ocale(LC_ALL, "ru"); Matrix a(3, 3); Matrix b(3, 3); b.FillMatrix(); a.FillMatrix(); a.PrintMatrix(); b.PrintMatrix(); }

Fill the matrix in a spiral

Couldn't find a library that allows you to fill the matrix in a spiral, like this: 1 2 3 8 9 4 7 6 5 Or vice versa-from the center to the outside. Who knows how to do it yourself?

Entering a rectangular matrix with no known dimension in Python

Task: Write a program whose input is a rectangular matrix in the form of a sequence of strings ending with a string containin ... s possible and without unnecessary crutches Sample input: 9 5 3 0 7 -1 -5 2 9 End Sample output: 3 21 22 10 6 19 20 16 -1

Declaring matrices in MathNet. Numeric

You need to declare two matrices: 1x3 and 3x2 with specific values, and then multiply these two matrices. I downloaded the MathNet.Numerics library, but I never figured out how to work with it.