
Get a list of words in the text and the frequency of their repetition, and enter the result in a DataFrame

There is a text file with the following text: "Example example for python for test". Case-insensitive, i.e. Пример = пример Y ... frequency) of the type: пример 2 для 2 питона 1 теста 1 And put all this in DF, 1 column : "word", 2 column : "frequency"

Help me understand where the error is in creating a bag of words

I create a bag of words manually. Here is the function to create it: def my_bag_of_words(text, words_to_index, dict_size): ... r increasing the first element of the array by 1, the function then stops working. Help the PLL understand what the error is

Month name by number or numbers by month name

I need to implement getting the month value in different forms: number, name in different cases, and with prefixes (In Januar ... this: > month(num=1).gen > января > month(gen='января').num > 1 > month(soon='В феврале').gen > февраля

Count the number of sentences in the text

Hello! Please tell me the solution to my problem. I am trying to make it so that from the text that is read from the file, I ... } } } reader.close(); System.out.println("The number of sentences is " + sentenceCount); } }

Visualization of the frequency characteristics of words in texts

Working on the classification of natural texts, the question arose how to visually display the frequency characteristics of t ... empt at a solution in the form of of the answer, but there was it would be interesting to look at other solutions and ideas.

Python Context lemmatization

Is there something for contextual lemmatization of an entire sentence in Russian, rather than just lemmatization of a list of ... text = 'Dew drops fall from the leaves' >>> lemmatize_sentence(text) ['dew', 'drop', 'fall', 'from', 'the', 'leaf']