
What are the appropriate scenarios for graph-based databases

Lately I have been studying the graph-based database Neo4j. Considering that the vast majority of current applications use t ... be the main pros and cons? in the National (Brazilian) scenario, there is adherence of this type of database in production?

What is a graph-based database?

I did not find on this site the answer to this question. So my question is basically this: What is a graph-based database?

In what kind of application can I use MongoDB?

Using MongoDB in all kinds of application is bad? Are there application types where it is most recommended and types where it is not recommended to use a NoSQL?

Why can't I open the MongoDb interface on Port: 28017?

I installed mongo on drive C and did some data creation tests and persisted them, then consulted and there they were perfectl ... e driver port. But when I try localhost: 28017 I only see: Esta página da web não está disponível What should I do?

Is NoSQL synonymous with object-oriented database?

Is NoSQL synonymous with object-oriented database? If the answer is No : What is the difference between the two?

Is NoSQL as problematic as it sounds?

I've been reading about NoSQL lately, because the first impression I had about the technology was good. I did tests with Mong ... around these problems? Or NoSQL really only has a few uses where the data may not always be correct or not always available?

List keyspaces on Cassandra

I need to learn how to use Apache Cassandra. I'm following a book called Cassandra: The Definitive Guide-Jeffrey Carpenter. I ... ut when I run the command: cqlsh> DESCRIBE KEYSPACE I get as an answer: Not in any keyspace What am I doing wrong?

Cassandra cql Shell opens and closes

I started studying about CassandraDB, but I'm using Windows. When I start the service 'DataStax DDC Server 3.9.0' I get an er ... e character D(68); in 'reader', line 168, column 40: ... og_directory: "C:\Program Files\DataStax-DDC\data\commitlog"

Difference between non-relational database models

When it comes to non-relational databases, we have some options, such as document database and graph database. In relation to the two, what are the main differences and benefits of using each?

Edit an element within an object, within an array, with Mongoose

To needing a help! I'm new to Node.JS and I decided to "create a system" to put into practice what I already know and create ... .then(function(data) { cb(null, data, res); }) .then(null, function(err) { cb(err, null, res); });