
Problem with cascading dropdown list

Contextualization I am trying to create a drop-down list for the cells in the Model column, which depends on the value of th ... c test returned me the correct value vector, while with the dynamic test, it returned me #REF, that is, there was some error.

Apache POI: how do I know if a spreadsheet has ended?

I am developing a personal project, and for this I am using Java along with Apache POI to read XLS files, How can I know if the worksheet has come to an end? Thank you now!

Transform multiple columns into just one [closed]

Closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... from 1 to 15 in Column A, is this possible? Result: |A | - |1 | |2 | |3 | |4 | |5 | |6 | |7 | |...| |14 | |15 |

VBA code to delete line

Guys, I have a code that checks the line for the word or phrase and deletes the line: If Mid(Cells(i, 10), 1, 50) <> ... ple," modem installation "or" meal", it deletes the line but let the lines that contain the word" defect " inside the phrase.

PROCV between two spreadsheets

The result I should show in the column authors of the production sheet is the name of all the authors who wrote that discipl ... not yet been searched) can exit again. Below I show the columns of the sheet: Production sheet Remanufacturing Worksheet

How to compare two columns and return the sum?

Personal speech, I have the following table below, what I want is for it to add up the price (column D) of all the books th ... le. If anyone can help me, I will be extremely grateful. No more, I appreciate the attention and understanding of problem.

How to update a card-message already sent in microsoft-teams using connectors?

I am developing two microservices, one that sends a card-message to microsoft-teams, and another that receives the action tak ... entire teams back to the request. Above is an example of code forwarding a simple card with the header informed by microsoft.