
What is this line? chrome-extension://napifgkjbjeodgmfjmgncljmnmdefpbf /styles.css

You need to optimize the site, but the inspector shows that this extension is not used by 100%, and it has weight. "chrome-extension://napifgkjbjeodgmfjmgncljmnmdefpbf / styles.css" - what is it? do I need to delete it?

Google speed page

My task is to make this site in the green zone in Google speed page, and now it is in the red zone. Removed everything that i ... ix this please?

Site speed estimation without taking into account yandex-metrica scripts"

At the moment, I'm trying to improve the loading speed of the main page of the site, I evaluate the changes through Google Pa ... alysts. I would also be grateful for any recommendations on this topic, links to useful resources, etc. Thank you in advance.

How to remove JavaScript and CSS code that blocks the display of the top of the page

Good time of day! I can't fix the last rule from Google Page Speed Insights: Remove the JavaScript and CSS code that bl ... added styles to HTML document And Google Page Speed Insights still swears, how can I fix the problem? Link to the resource.

Remove the JavaScript and CSS code that blocks the display of the top of the page, but the scripts are located at the bottom

PageSpeed Insights Recommends a mandatory fix: Remove the JavaScript and CSS code that blocks the display of the top part ... s all right. async does not help, and there are many problems with it. Footer.tpl: There is no content after the scripts.

Errors in the html validator

WordPress site, check in PageSpeed Insights and Can someone tell me about the first and second. How to rais ... it checks... 1 error Is in the code tag opening and closing, as it is checked manually, entered in the code source search

SEO - being penalized by Google Fonts

I am using a font that is in Google Fonts on my website and I am importing through css: @import url('https://fonts.googleap ... ne had this problem? Do you know how this can be adjusted? I have this notification on several sites that use Google Fonts.