
How do I get the coordinates of a layer (svg) in Photoshop?

Is it possible to get the coordinates of a certain layer in Photoshop(save it in svg and then extract it from a file-I know), in order to apply them in SVG on the site, for example, in this format: 119 30,185 21,296 99,348 20,430 54,505 14,611 ...

Are there any Russian analogues of Montserrat Alternatives font?

I love this font Montserrat Alternates, but I can't find a similar Cyrillic alphabet, maybe someone has met?

how do I find out the font size in pixels for css from a photoshop layout?

There is a layout, if you measure the height of the letters with a ruler in Photoshop, it turns out 55px, but if I write this ... e letters are clearly smaller than in the layout. How to determine the exact value of font-size using Photoshop measurements?