
Which IDE supports PHP 7?

Does anyone know of any IDE (or simpler code editor) with PHP 7 support? I use NetBeans, but it seems that PHP 7 support in ... variables, methods, functions, classes, the project files, similar to NetBeans. Does anyone know any, preferably free?

Search for Strings in text files in PHP

I have a file called " Test.txt "inside it has multiple words, I have an input where I take the inserted word and would like to check if that word is contained inside this" file.txt". Does anyone know how to do this?

What is the function of the operator"??"(two questions) in PHP?

Parsing a script PHP in a certain snippet I came across this line $valor = $_GET['id'] ?? 1; What is the interpretation of this code? What does he do?

502 Bad Gateway-Linux, php7, nginx. How to solve this error?

I am having an Error 502 that represents some configuration on the server, when I try to open a website using linux, nginx an ... .0.1, server:, request: "GET /index.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock:", host: ""

How to update PHP 7.0. 0RC1 to the already released version 7.0 on centOS?

Good Morning, How do I update PHP 7.0. 0RC1 to the already released version 7.0 on centOS? Thank you

Remove the original image from the server after Wordpress generates the thumbnails

I need to remove the original image that gives rise to Wordpress thumbnails after the thumbnails are generated. I have 3 size ... und nothing. Is it possible to remove the original after thumbnails have been generated? And if so how can I find the answer?

How to validate a numeric expression with a regular expression?

I need within my application in PHP7 to validate a numeric expression with a regular expression, the case is that I almost ma ... idated 690 - validated 690/09 - rejected correctly 690/9 - validated Note: I removed the blanks from the expressions.

How to fill zero in field when Field is empty in PHP?

The upper_limit field is of type real. I would like to know how do I tell you that if it is empty it fills number 0 in the fi ... t; trim($linha['LIMITE_INFERIOR']), 'LIMITE_SUPERIOR' => trim($linha['LIMITE_SUPERIOR']), ]; } }

Fractions of 15 minutes in the time record in PHP

I have an hourly billing system which I am trying to charge for fractions of 15 min. It takes the difference of the time of e ... $totalSegundos++; } } $resultado = gmdate("H:i", $totalSegundos); echo "Total: ".$resultado; ?>

Mailer Error: SMTP connect () [dated]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... else: echo "<h4>Mailer Error: " . $this->ErrorInfo . "</h4>"; endif; } }

How do I scroll through the data of an array, to perform a draw with odds proportions? [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... es I cited: Https:// Drawing strings from an array with weight

Lot closure easy with error in PHP printing [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... inations... the problem is that far apart from each other... I would appreciate it if you could help me with that, thank you!

When I add HTML it gives header error

Page : <?php header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); ?> <html> <head> &l ... ?> The some error and pdf displays. But with errors of accents. Obs.: all involved files are UTF-8 unsigned Good

PHP - how to sort values from a lottery table

I'm having the following problem: - let's imagine we have the lottery records, but we need to sort the values. I have already ... ); asort($valores); foreach ($valores as $n => $val) { echo "$n = $val"; //Não chega aqui! } }