
Did the plugin stop working in jQuery 1.9?

Plugin jQuery DropKick 1.0.0, console errors: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'msie' of undefined Uncaught TypeErro ... k. Here is the source of my edits. Обновил source code with amendments (the plugin worked visually, but not functionally.)

Installing the Tomcat plugin in Eclipse

Good time of day. Downloaded and installed Tomcat 7.0.39 from the official website version 32-bit/64-bit Windows Service Inst ... plugins. I downloaded Tomcat just as a zip archive, but there is also no folder with the plugin. How do I install the plugin?

Download the plugin to Intellij IDEA from disk

How to install the golang plugin version 9.16 from the disk to Intellij IDEA, where the problem with environment variables is ... r ubuntu or mac os, but at the moment there is no possibility to work on these oss. Are there any build options for Windows?

The specified exec-maven-plugin file cannot be found [duplicate]

This question has already been answered here: ... plugin> </plugins> </build> </project> The file itself is located in the resources folder:

The View in Browser plugin doesn't work in Sublime Text 3

I downloaded Sublime Text 3, immediately installed the plugin for viewing the page in the browser (View in Browser). I click ... le "./python3.3/", line 1110, in _execute_child FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] Не удается найти указанный файл

Slider with text navigation

There is a task - to make a regular slider, but instead of the usual navigation (in the form of dots or numbers), there shoul ... his functionality can be solved with the help of a plugin, it will be great. I'll attach a photo to make the task more clear:

Custom horizontal scroll with animate. css

There is such a code: $(window).load(function(){ // Horizontal scroll if($(".js-page-scroll").length){ ... olling? || How do I configure animate. css for custom scrolling (when scrolling, the blocks appeared smoothly, sequentially)?

Working with icons in Android Studio

How can I make 5 icons for all the DPI of the screen from one icon? For example, I drew some element for the project in the m ... ke this element the rest of the resolution for all screens? Or maybe a plugin of some kind, if there are no standard methods.

Bookradar plugin for Calibre

There is a plugin for the Calibre book cataloger. in windows it is not put because of requests and bs4. Please help me rewrit ... tle_test(u'Opencv Computer Vision with Python', exact=True), authors_test([u'Joseph Howse']) ] ), ])

Tasker plugin android studio on recieve

Hello! I'm trying to write a plugin for a tasker that will send sockets to the specified ip: port with a specific message. ... he settings being added, but nothing happens at startup. I tried to output Toast - nothing is also output. Ch. i. d. n. t.? (

django-admin-tools 0.8 after installation and configuration gives an error 404 when popitka login to the admin panel

I installed and configured the django-admin-tools 0.8 plugin according to the documentation. Django version 1.11.4. I do the ... go to the admin panel, an error appears: 404 File not found Question: what is the problem? Thank you for your time.

Extract Text Plugin doesn't work in Webpack 4

The file with styles{[3] is not added to dist]} Package.json { "name": "jelly-effect", "version": "1.0.0", "descr ... let prod = options.mode === 'production'; conf.devtool = prod ? 'source-map' : 'eval-sourcemap'; return conf; };

Comments with Facebook for different news on site

I am developing a website that will have several different posts (like a blog, for example). I added the comment plugin with ... comments from the previous news appear together. I need every news story to have its' line ' of comments. How can I do that?

How to make an each within an append?

I'm trying to create a jQuery plugin but I can't adapt one .each within one .append, how can I use it to make it work within ... x/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <main> <div id="mySelect"></div> </main>

How to recover HTML bi Firefox source code via Addon/add-on?

I am writing an addon for Firefox. I need to get the source code of the HTML open in the current Firefox tab and display in a ... avaScript. I tried using alert(document.documentElement.outerHTML), but it just shows the code below: Any suggestions ?

Facebook plugin error does not count amount of comments

I used the Facebook plugin on my website, for the like, share, facepile and comments buttons. Everything works, except for t ... t, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); </script> How do I for the English script to display the correct amount of comments?

Anti-adblock that replaces div [duplicate]

this question already has an answer here : ... s if it were plain text) Ad Blocker Notify Lite - this works on the local server, but does not works on the online server.

Strings not detected by Polylang.

On a wordpress site to make it bilingual, I'm using the Polylang plugin, however I need to translate the search part and I ca ... e list of Strings to translate, it does not appear. It would be a placeholder written "Enter keywords". How should I proceed?

How to manufacture a preloader-prerender?

I am using AngularJS, and I need to know if there is any plugin that meets the same effect or similar to this one (in the exa ... {{}} <button ng-click="editUser(user)">Editar</button> </li> </ul> </div>

Cannot find Class Main (Minecraft Plugin)

I'm new to this area so I'm sorry. I decompiled a plugin using the JD-GUI program and took the src and imported into eclipse ... Qc6fp Plugin.yml Pastebin: Folder structure Pastebin: