
Any number of any characters in notepad++

You must specify the following line "='root' && ... =" Where ... - any number of any characters How do I set any ... frame apostrophes in a special way? Sorry that I'm asking you and not Google - just in many places it is not clear written.

Binary search, or rather return c++, does not work

I wrote a binary search algorithm, why does return work incorrectly? If you make a void function with the output of the respo ... ) { cin >> numbers[i]; } cin >> find; cout << binarySearch(find, numbers, 0, n - 1); }

Find elements with a key less than the specified one. Multimap

How can I get(find) an element by entering the variable int k through the console, and getting auto itr, so that the code for ... // cout << it->first << " : " << it->second << endl; //} } ///... }

Search for text between " ("and") " in a PHP string

In PHP, I need to use a regular string to pull out all the text elements enclosed in parentheses for their further processing ... hen help at least with the regular search (search for this very text between the brackets) and output the result to the array

Implementation of the algorithm for finding the shortest path in width on JS

const graph = { you: ['alice', 'bob', 'claire'], bob: ['anuj', 'peggy'], alice: ['peggy'], claire: ['thom'] anuj: [ ... ot understand how to save the shortest path. it would be interesting to see solutions for the directed and undirected graph.

Array search in a JavaScript object

There is an array of objects that has another array to search for. The data structure looks like this: [ { topic ... s of the pages arrays, and it should return the indexes of all matches from these arrays, in the case from the example - '6'.

Search the entire MySQL database

Is it possible to somehow set a search for all the database, all the columns of all the tables? The task is to scan the database for eval. Please tell me if it is possible to implement such a search ?

How do I change the value attribute value in the input tag?

It is necessary to change the value using Javascript, because the search form is generated by itself and there is no access to the code. Thank you very much in advance.

Which search engine should I choose for my Django site?

The engine must have access to the MySQL database, because some content is loaded only by the ajax request of users. While considering Haystack, who has experience with it?

Make a search form in Microsoft Access 2016

Access has never worked before. I was faced with the task of making a search form by last name, first name, patronymic or pho ... is this. Create a ribbon form, drop the input field and the search button on this form. Tell me. How can I do such a search?

Diagonal Victory Check game 5 in a row Python

It is necessary to implement a function to search for 5 identical characters X or O diagonally, on the playing field 10x10, g ... else: root.destroy() except IndexError: pass

Fuzzy and morphological search in PHP [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... orphological search in PHP? Interested in documentation, libraries, and usage examples. Russian language support is required.

Dijkstra's algorithm for finding a path in a tree with loops

Who can tell you how the Dijkstra algorithm should work correctly when traversing a tree with cycles. I.e. there is a tree th ... haps I am asking a very confused question, if that correct. Thank you! z. s. I write the code in java if there are examples.

Binary search via recursion. C

Good time of day! Does not find an element in the array. Can you tell me what's wrong? I myself assume that it's all about re ... nt] < val) bisearch(val, array, midpoint+1, max); else return 1; return 0; } Thanks for attention.

Output of data from the database to an html table using php

Dear visitors. I have a question. The essence of the situation - it is necessary to output data from the database to a table ... echo "<td class='day'; id='".$id."'> &nbsp; </td>"; // если нет - рисовать пустую клетку } $t++; }

Search for a word from a list in Memo

How to implement a search in the Memo string from the word list I wrote a search function for a word from the list function ... The result should be: search words: delphi, text, programming S:='output the word delphi'; Mas[i] will be equal to delphi

Traversing 2-3 trees.2-3 a tree as a data structure for storing sets

There is such an implementation of 2-3 trees : class Tree { private: Node * root; char name; } class Node { int ... it is the same) . Only now there is a problem with traversing the tree, please help with the description of the algorithm .

How do I make a sentence from the letters entered by the user?

At the entrance to the program, a set of English letters is provided. There is a dictionary of words. How to generate such s ... myfavoritegame, the script worked for about 5 minutes. On the site, offers are given instantly. Can you give me any advice?

Exclusion from indexing of products that are not in stock in 1C Bitrix

Welcome. There is such a problem in bitrix - there is a search for titles search.title. It is necessary that it does not inde ... DY"] = $arFields["TITLE"] = ''; unset($arFields["BODY"]); //на всякий случай unset($arFields["TITLE"]); } }

Lists: output, fill, list search - C++

Hello, can someone tell me and show me how to correctly fill in, output a list that is based on a structure with 5 elements o ... } With this search, only one element is output, and how to make all the elements that fall into the condition be output?