
exercise in visualg algorithm [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... * perc_imp / 100 preco <- custo_fab + val_dist + val_imp escreval("Preço ao consumidor: ", preco) fimalgoritmo

How to use % in Portugol [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... ed for the hour value worked, number of hours and the % discount from INSS. At the end, print the net salary of the worker.

Logical expression to (while or if) create repeat until the user hits the answer

I'm having problems with a question to set the result of a question in VisualG, so if the user answers the wrong way the ques ... All this so that the incorrect answer phrase repeats until the user hits the answer so that it stays N for no and S for Yes.

VisualG-exercise with procedure

Good afternoon guys, all right? I'm having an algorithm exercise I, and I'm stuck in doubt. The Question: - write a proced ... extenso <- "Quinze" outrocaso extenso <- "Número não compatível" fimescolha

Visualg syntax error (Portugol)

When placing the code in this way and entering this data "faults = 0 proofs = 5, 9, 7.2 work = 10.5 age = 15 result = failed" ... t;- Excelente Fimse Fimse Fimse Fimse Escreval Escreval ("Este foi o resultado do aluno",Result) Escreval

Visualg-assign to two variables in the same row

I would like to know how I put 1 variable next to the other in visualg? Exemplo: 1.0 7.0 5.0 9.0 Since the 4 numbers ar ... eia(Y2) R <- raizq((x2-x1)*(x2-x1)+(y2-y1)*(y2-y1))//FORM CALCULAR DISTANCIA Escreval (R:1:4) fimalgoritmo

How to break the line at the VisuAlg prompt?

My output: Name: so-so of Tality: so many years How to break the line in VisuAlg's prompt? To look like this: Name: so-and-so Age: As Many Years

Portugol help (ascending order)

The code below should sort the numbers entered in ascending order, but when 5,3 and 8 are entered respectively, the program d ... } escreva("\nmenor = ", menor) escreva("\nmeio = ", meio) escreva("\nmaior = ", maior) } }

Using vectors and Binary Search in portugol

One of the most commonly used activities on the computer is to locate an object (Number or string) in a data set. You will ne ... to fimPrincipal I did not succeed, I wanted help to know what I can fix or even if someone would have a better solution.

Line break in Visualg Run prompt:

I am building an algorithm to calculate an employee's special credit benefit. As you can see, in the image, in the execution ... ine and also I can not increase the size of the screen of the prompt! How do I fix this and show the full line at the prompt?

Condition to continue loop while value is invalid

Wanted to know about this Code: Algoritmo "Brincadeira2Ou1 " Var A, C, P: inteiro Inicio A <- 0 C < ... ed. It would not be right to be less than or equal to 1 or greater than or equal to 2 than less than 1 or greater what 2 ?

How to display all prime numbers of N starting at 1 from a given entry?

This is the algorithm I managed to develop so far in portugol: programa { funcao inicio() { inteiro n ... div2 == 0) { escreva(i,"\n") } } } } }

How to "catch" system time in Portugol Studio

I know you need to import the calendar library.But I don't know how the current time_function works.I'm trying to print on sc ... use I still do not know how to format here in StackoverFlow. Note: I'm using Linux distro.Does that interfere with anything?

Why gives error in this type of comparison / choice?

escreval("Digite o consumo") leia(consumo) escolha consumo caso <= 100 escreval("Parabéns, voce e economico ... o consumo") caso >200 escreval("Consumo execessivo") outrocaso escreval("Valor invalido") fimescolha

Algorithm in Portugol

I'm doing a college job and the premise is: Develop an algorithm that: A) read 60 ages; B) group the ages into three ve ... mi) fimalgoritmo Help me with the errors and with the commas, I also need the commas to come out, anyone know how to solve?

Command while in code in VisualG [closed]

closed . This question needs to be more objective and is not currently accepting answers. ... val ("O lanche escolhido foi ",quantidade," Cheeseburger Completo(s) e custará R$ ", valor,",00") fimescolha Fimalgoritmo

Visualg G Algorithm

Ask for a person's name and gender. Present at the end how many people are male and how many are female. We program termina ... e fimenquanto escreval("Foram digitados", qtdh, " do sexo masculino e", qtdm, " do sexo feminino") fimalgoritmo