
What is a stream in C++?

I know that in C++ there are no threads of their own, only the implementation through I/O, and there through winapi it seems, ... while you know what you are dealing with? And then for example in the links 1 and 2 a solid dark forest and nothing is clear.

You need to replace the ungetc function with another function that is not related to the c ci/o c++stream

#include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> double number(){ // считываем число int res = 0; for (;;)//бескон ... порядку printf("Result= %0.3f", r);//результат } The teacher forbade the use of streams, that is, ungetc is not suitable

C# how to read text из.docx through a stream

The problem occurs precisely with .docx files, files .txt through StreamReader are read quite easily. Here is the method: p ... return TextForEditor = reader.ReadToEnd(); } } How to fix it? do I have to use some third-party library?

Help solve the problem with threads

I am learning to program in Java, there is a problem with the problem / * Crossword Given a two-dimensional array that conta ... ic String toString() { return String.format("%s - (%d, %d) - (%d, %d)", text, startX, startY, endX, endY); } } }

Integer.parseInt() stops working correctly when processing strings from a file, what could be the reason?

Just starting to learn the basics of Java, so do not judge strictly :) There is a file with the extension .txt. When you run ... I really want to understand in order to avoid such problems when working with file texts in the future. Thank you in advance!

OBS (Open Broadcaster Software): capture a window with a changing name

OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) allows you to capture a window by selecting its name from the drop-down list. However, if the ... om the picture, to stream the browser window. When you switch to another tab, for example, the name of your window changes.

C++ istringstream behavior and its alternative

There is a function hexstr_to_str reading from memory(not a file, not a cin) a text stream of the form "01 03 10 fa", and wri ... llo_str, std::istringstream(cstr_hex_hello)); hexstr_to_str(hb_str, std::istringstream("10 20 af 30")); return 0; }

What is a stream?

In books, they write about standard I / O streams in C++, writing to a stream and reading from a stream. What is a stream, and what is it?

Formatted output to file and console

The essence of the question: In theory, you need to create a module that will write output streams to the console and to the ... for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { count++; print(count +": " + s); } } }

difference between flush() and ob flush()

Please explain at last WHAT exactly these functions do (explain simply, I am a beginner) and what is the difference between t ... ack? What are the layers? If someone explains this in an accessible way , it will help me a lot. Thank you so much in advance

Implementation of stdin and stdout

In the problem (except for the solution algorithm itself), it is necessary to implement data reception via stdin, and output ... a return. How to accept data using stdin/stdout I don't get it. A huge request, give a link or a sample code to understand.

Twitch broadcast.tv in android

I'm making a game-themed app, in which one of the categories is live broadcasts of games. Actually, there are direct addresse ... stand that I may even be digging in the wrong direction, but does anyone have any what guesses? I will be glad of any help!

Java: System. out. println and System. err. println are confused in the output

There is a task: use the commands System.out.println and System.err.println to print the text in a red frame. Like like this: ... r.print("*******\n"); System.err.print("|"); System.out.print("text"); System.err.print("|"); System.err.print("*******\n");

C# looking for libraries/classes for fast-performing filter overlay

I apply filters to the incoming image with the request, and then send it back I process all this now using Bitmap, very conve ... .B)); } Saving an image in response per request Picture.Save(listenerContext.Response.OutputStream, ImageFormat.Png);

setw sets the different width of the line output field

Hi! There is a table of some string variables (string). It is necessary to display this table in an adequate formatted form. ... один два восемь Actually, the question is-why so? And how can you still output lines aligned - one under another one?

Stream filter.findfirst

try { Stream<String> stringStream = Files.lines(path, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); stringStream.forEach((String e) ... }); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } I can't figure out how to use filter.findfirst show my example

Creating valid files.class from Java code

There is an interest in creating a compiled class file directly from the code. For example, in the main() method, we use the ... elopment environment file SomeClass.class empty. How to write bytecode to .class files, which will the JVM understand?

A foreach loop versus an Iterable loop.foreach in Java 8: what's better?

Which of the following is the best practice in Java 8? Java 8: list.forEach(e -> e.operation); Java 7: for (E e : lis ... bdas, but are there any real benefits from using Iterator.foreach? Will the performance and readability of the code improve?

What are the lazy and eager operators?

When studying the Stream API, I often encountered the use of the expressions lazy and eager operators, but I could not really find a normal definition of these concepts anywhere. Can someone explain clearly?

What is the difference between the map and flatMap methods in Java 8?

What is the difference between the methods Stream.map and Stream.flatMap apart from each other?