
Return and pass structure through a function in C

Good night, I have a discipline completion job in which I have to register n employees, in my code I put 5 to get faster the ... the structure to function and call it whenever the user is going to use it? Whether to register or replace the information...

Questions about analysis and structured and Object-Oriented design

Software process, involves several activities, among them, Analysis and design. Among the options of methods to carry out the ... difference? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using each? Why is the object-oriented method used in most cases?

Sum of integers from 1 to 100

I'm trying to create an algorithm that adds up the numbers from the range 1-100. Further the program prints each element of t ... 87 + 88 + 89 + 90 + 91 + 92 + 93 + 94 + 95 + 96 + 97 + 98 + 99 + 100 + A soma dos inteiros de 1 à 100 é: 5151

How can I improve my gallows game code?

What tips would you give to improve this code of the gallows game in Python? In the Python "course" I'm doing I haven't learn ... n(pl) == 0: #se a lista 'pl' possuir 0 elementos, então o usuario ganhou print("Você ganhou!") break

Is there already a structured language for quantum processors?

Quantum processors have been in a broad development process for many years. However, we "mere mortals" do not yet have large- ... ady have a structured programming language, such as C and Pascal, or are we far from it, like Assembly or even prior to this?

Beginner doubt-Loop error

Guys, I'm doing an exercise, but something is giving conflict in this small stretch of the repetition, from to put the first ... e altura das mulheres eh: %.2lf \n", mediaM); printf ("A media de altura da turma eh: %.2lf \n", mediaT); system ("PAUSE");

Interpolated search in C, repeated values in the array

I Am A Beginner / student in C language and I am learning about searches. I am having difficulty understanding about interpol ... ){ maior = meio - 1; } else { menor = meio + 1; } } return(achou); }

What is functional decomposition? Is she an anti-pattern?

What is functional decomposition? It is an aspect of structured programming, but in Object-Oriented Programming it is considered bad. Is she bad indeed? What are your symptoms in OOP?

Install APCu in PHP 7.3.5

To working on a project to configure and install a server of GLPI of calls in the company that I work and I have to try to ... t someone can help me. I think I sent the image with the photos of the code I made and trying to run it here and nothing yet.