
Is it possible to create 3D games with pygame?

Is it possible? And if it is possible I need to know how to draw my own 3D images or is there any site that provides 3d images for free?

Game Snake in pygame: snake growth function [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... p() ########################################################################################################### loop_jogo()


I am set up a system that uses the tools of PyGame, in other terms, I am creating an application that runs songs, I am long, ... atual =[index]) self.musica_atual = If you can help me, I will be grateful.

Error importing pygame into Pycharm

I'm only here because I've been trying every way to install pygame on PyCharm for a week now and I'm not getting it. I have t ... 'm using Windows, Python 3.8.2 PIP 20.0.2 and the pygame I'm trying to install is the pygame 1.9.6 Can anyone help me please?

How to make a program run inside a window in pygame?

I made a window using pygame, and I have a code that wanted it to run inside it, but I don't know how to do it, if anyone can ... p(5) print("Nesse inferno na terra, você é um dos poucos sobreviventes em meio ao caos e irá com o restante das suas\n")

How to put a text on pygame screen?

I was trying to put a text inside a pygame screen at a specific coordinate, what can I do to print a text and restrict its ar ... statico) pygame.display.flip() This is what I have so far, two images and wanted to put a text on top of the dialog

pip install pygame - > " the system cannot run the specified program"

I'm trying to download pygame in python 3.6.5 (64-bit) windows 10, but when I open cmd, and try to run the Command " pip inst ... d. [![ai the print, I hope you can help, valeuu!! I really want to solve this, to start developing my projects!! Bye!][1]][1]

Pygame does not run a. mp3 file and returns pygame-error

Was messing with Pygame and when running a program that plays music: from pygame import mixer mixer.init() ... le is in the same folder as the, I have tried to use mixer.load() both with the file name, and informing the path.

typeError: 'module' object is not callable

I'm trying to add layers to my game window, so I tried to use sprite groups, but there is this error that I don't understand ... Block(green, 50, 50) sprite.add(quadrado) I was trying to import an image, but gave this problem and summarized it to rect.

Is it a good practice to always manage errors with exceptions?

I'm creating a game with Python 3.4 and Pygame, and I'm using the object-oriented paradigm. In my classes, especially in __in ... to know if doing the types checkings is a common practice in Python, and if, in my case, I am abusing them (type checkings).

Why is such a simple game getting so heavy?

This is the first project I develop using Pygame. Because it is a simple card game I expected it to be very light but not rea ... self.button_correr.draw(self.screen) self.button_truco.draw(self.screen) def quit(self): pygame.quit()

How to insert animated gif in pygame

Good afternoon, I'm doing a college job, it's a python game and I need to insert a gif in the code but when I use the command ... .init() x = 352 y = 500 velocidade = 15 fundo = pygame.image.load("fundo_pista.png") homem = pygame.image.load("correr.gif")

Trying to program puzzle the change of elements in equivalent positions of two arrays of error

I'm trying to make a puzzle in which the image comes shuffled into pieces, and by clicking on two different pieces they chang ... da segurando = True if checaSolucao(solucao, matrizResDesenho): break ```

How to capture the keyboard in pygame during the game, where there isonly sound?

So guys. I am visually impaired and am starting now in Game Programming, trying to make a pygame game, but using only sound. ... pygame.time.Clock().tick(10) m=input ('Menu principal, por favor selecione uma opção')

How do I get my music player to choose an mp3 file and play it?

I'm having trouble making the program choose the music and play the selected music from tkinter import * from tkinter impo ... ss ) pass else: jan.wm_resizable(0, 0) Sistema(jan) jan.mainloop()