
Kivy does not run error in text editor

Wave I just installed kivy on windows following the step-by-step site When I try to run a test script, I get a me ... ython: can't open file 'share\kivy-examples\demo\showcase\': [Err no 2] No such file or directory C:\Users\Paulo>

Kivy installation error

I can't install kivy on my computer, I've never messed with pip before, I'm putting the commands in cmd and it gives error. ... , which is: ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: python egg_info Check the logs for full command output.

pip install pygame - > " the system cannot run the specified program"

I'm trying to download pygame in python 3.6.5 (64-bit) windows 10, but when I open cmd, and try to run the Command " pip inst ... d. [![ai the print, I hope you can help, valeuu!! I really want to solve this, to start developing my projects!! Bye!][1]][1]

How do I capture every key typed in python

I am trying to make a program that captures the keys typed on the pc, so that later I can access them. I don't know where to start. I do not know if it uses sqlite3 (database), in google I searched, but some explanations are zero.

Removing duplicate rows

I'm developing my CBT, My TCC, it searches emails on Google collects, does bulk sending etc, I'm having a problem, In thi ... m [email protected] It should just return like this: [email protected] [email protected] But I'm not able to accomplish this.

Python and Kivy: how to select and copy all text from a Text Input

Hello! I'm trying to learn Kivy... 1) I would like to select all text within a Text Input in Kivy. which attribute should ... ar" height: 40 width: 120 top: 95 size_hint: None, None pos_hint: {'center_x': 0.6,}

How to save an xml string in a document?

I want to save my xml which is an STR (return from an API) in a file .xml, but when I do it does not fuciona someone could he ... atus': 200, 'motivo': 'Consulta realizada com sucesso', 'chNFe': '43181107364617000135550000000048051004621865', 'xml':[...]

Using Class in Kivy

Good afternoon, I want to make a program that uses multiple combobox and in one window. But I can't get them both to show up. ... enciaPainel size_hint: [8, None] height: '32dp' on_text: root.textoEntradaPotenciaPainel = self.text

Virtual assistant [closed]

closed . This question is opinionated and is not accepting answers. ... / I accept tips, opinions and cursing. From now on I thank everyone for understanding!