
VBA programming-Recursion, boolean backpack

I have a similar situation to boolean backpack. I own a table with N rows. Column 'A' contains a footage (m2), column 'B' con ... End If Next ' Test with higher Number Kombinations = ActFound End Function Any idea how to make the code run?

Recursion using Python

I am trying to create a recursive function that receives a positive integer N and prints all even numbers from 0 to N in asce ... t(number) return sequencia_de_numero(number -1) else: return sequencia_de_numero(number - 1)

How to call a function within itself? Recursion

Objective Make a recursion inside the function SALVARHISTO() so that the function is called again if the cell A8 is not foun ... x = sheet.getRange('A8'); if( x != " "){ function SALVARHISTO(){} }else{ return 'Salvo com sucesso.'; } };

Recursion in Java

I'm trying to create a method recursively, which shows me all child cost centers that don't have other children, for example: ... } } public class CentroCusto { private Long id; private CentroCusto centroCustoPai; // Gettes e Setters }