
Remote access to MySQL database

I have a database within a corporate network on a local machine serving as a MySQL server. The network structure works like ... static IP"", and the machine marked"". Could someone help me how to get access to this Mysql server?

What is a loopback interface?

Was experiencing socket connection issues on my server: What causes the error [could not bind to "tcp://". Ca ... t stopped running, caused all code that used sockets connections with to stop working, being accepted only

Due to NAT is the IP access count imperfect?

I found it difficult to find content on the internet about this. I would like to know in general what NAT (Network Address Tr ... the link is also not perfect. I wanted to better understand NAT to know in what situations using the sender IP can be useful.

Sending data through sockets ():: Software caused connection abort: socket write error

I have a client server program that is working when I request the communication but when it starts sending data the program g ... n ex) { //trata exceção System.out.println("Erro no servidor" + ex.getMessage()); } } }

Eclipse gets falling connection to remote server (net Virtua)

I work with eclipse remotely connected to a server. Recently, I changed the internet here from Vivo (former GVT) to the NET. ... is not an eclipse fault. I would like to know if there is any configuration for that I can change this range or withdraw it.

Why does subnet mask decrease double the size of the original network?

Reading about IP protocol and network addressing, I did not understand why the "decrease" of the subnet mask size by 1 bit, g ... useful for decreasing the number of entries in the routing tables of routers on the Internet. Source:

How to differentiate device type from IP?

How do I know what kind of device an IP is using? I would like to know if there is any way to validate if an IP belongs to a ... vice, etc. This is to differentiate device types from IP. I'm interested in doing this in Java. Thanks for your attention.

Discover Network hosts

When trying to create a script on the subject I was left with some doubts about the script below! The question is, like I'm g ... put('IP INICIAL (; ')) File "<string>", line 1 ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Online server and Unity 3D [closed]

closed . This question needs to be more objective and is not currently accepting answers. ... Considering a game created in unity-3D . What should we know to make it a massive multi player online?

What is the difference between socket and Port?

Developing a service-oriented app, I came across the following question: What is the difference between Port and socket within the computational framework?

Synchronous, asynchronous and isochronous transmission methods: how to set the type on site?

Is it possible to set the method of transmitting data from a site to a user to be synchronous, asynchronous, or isochronous?

What are hosts on a computer network? [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... a larger framework? Are these the knots? EDIT: Links in Portuguese or English that can explain these questions are welcome.

Share internet via wifi using command line [closed]

Closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... nyone at least knows what I can use, some windows component. I don't want programs that do it for me, I want to do it myself.

How to host website on my pc [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... without success, error occurs when trying to access the external ip. Does anyone have any tips or tutorial teaching? Thanks.

Website and database on the same machine, localhost or ip?

I have a website and database running on the same machine. And I use the following Connection string: <add name="cs_name ... hine as the database only that one application calls the localhost and the other the public IP address of the machine itself.

How much does an HTTP request spend?

Client Sends a post without Body to any API post('') Server Returns only status code 204 return r ... m being clear, but my doubt is more about the HTTP protocol, what is the minimum cost of it? does a Status Code consume data?

How to access a local virtualhost from another device?

I am needing to test a local application that runs on Apache2 on my mobile and other devices here. I usually configure my A ... port and use my local ip to access via device, but it takes too long to load the page. Anyone have any idea how to do this?

How to advertise server IP on the network?

I am developing an application consisting of a server made in NodeJS that should provide data in JSON to clients, in case an ... ing power. Is there any faster or better way to "advertise" the IP of the server on the network so that clients can connect?

Making predictions using LSTM with Keras

Good Morning, group. I'm doing some tests with predictive models using LSTM with keras. In the test I did, I trained the mo ... abel = 'Previsoes') plt.title('Previsões') plt.xlabel('Prev_Gravidade') plt.ylabel('Gravidade Real') plt.legend()

How to get the list of devices connected to the network

I have the need to find the devices connected to the network on which my program runs. It is a network via WiFi (I do not kno ... cast because on the router there is information that there is a multicast group configured with the address