
Problems with Cyrillic in Rust

When trying to output the proverbial "Hello world" via println! the compiler throws the error "stream did not contain valid U ... with tightens, does not conflict with anything else. Edited via Visual Studio and Notepad++, the effect is the same

Circular linked list on Rust

I want to write a cyclic singly linked list. But the problem is that when creating the first element, it must refer to itself ... ---- value moved here = Some(pin); ^^^^^^^^^ value partially assigned here after move

What is the problem with my attempt to translate code from java to rust?

I'm trying to do a "handshake" with a minecraft server on Rust. I'm building on this answer and this wiki. The code from the ... complete unfinished code of my queries (the code is experimental) Question: What am I doing wrong? How to do this correctly?

I tried to make a temperature converter from Fahrenheit units to Celsius units on Rust

use std::io; fn main() { let mut celsius = String::new(); io::stdin() .read_line(&mut celsius) . ... ad line"); let farenheit = (celsius * 9 / 5) + 32; } Returns the error: cannot multiply {integer} to std::string::String

Configuring server-client communication on Rust

I want to do server-client emulation over TCP / IP, I hope I put it correctly, correct me if there is an error. How do I ma ... on the server received from the client? I have no experience in this field, please answer read more, thank you in advance :)

RUST Question mark

fn main() { use std::fs::File; use std::io::prelude::*; fn foo() -> std::io::Result<()> { let mut file = File: ... te("foo.txt")?; //здесь file.write_all(b"Hello, world!")?; //здесь Ok(()) } } Why do I need a question mark ?

How do I run a command in Rust?

I don't understand how to run a console command in Rust: csscomb C:/css.css I tried it in different ways, but then on this ... message: "Не удается найти указанный файл." }', libcore\ note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.

Error installing Rust on windows 10

I'm taking my first steps in the language. I have read much of the documentation and decided to install on my machine. I down ... t failed: Unknown error (0x80092012) - A fun��o de revoga��o n�o p�de verificar a revoga��o do certificado.) How to proceed?

Modules in Rust

My project structure looks like this: src/ --- --- Inside has: mod game_state; And inside has mod game; But this Returns me an error: file not found for module game_state

What is the Rust programming language?

According to the official page of the language: Rust is a systems programming language that runs incredibly fast, prev ... etween them? The Expression "Systems programming" (in English, systems programming) is also mentioned. What does that mean?

What is Borrow Checker?

I was reading a bit about Rust and came across this term, I would like to know: what is Borrow Checker? is there any relation to reference counting ? What would be the translation for this term in Portuguese?

What is Monomorphization?

I was reading this post and came across this term monomorphization I would like to know: What is its meaning? when does this process occur? What performance gain/loss is achieved by this process?