
What is the security of using input "password " or"text"?

Recently we are in a wave of using the combination of input of passwords with the option to hide/display the password (*** -& ... lf. Because if there is, we should have the user change back the input to the type password before sending any information.

How to hash passwords securely?

If I do hash of passwords before storing them in my database is enough to prevent them from being retrieved by someone? I'm ... security in this aspect? What additional concerns would prevent access to passwords? Are there better ways to do this hash ?

Enter a password in the VBA project via module or SendKeys

Hello, I have a matrix sheet that will enter thousands of other smaller sheets, will save in another extension, put a code in ... Print #2, fld2.Path Close #2 End If Application.DisplayAlerts = True End Sub That's it, for now.

password creation in laravel pattern

Good morning everyone!! How do I create a password in the style of passwords created by laravel? for very particular reasons ... cation that will create these new users, however, I want laravel to access these users as well. Thank you for your attention!

How to decrypt MD5?

If I have the following code $senha = md5("senha") and send it to the database $senha, it should be possible to retrieve that ... ow "Password" back in an information update form, right? Is this possible or a string encrypted in MD5 can't be decrypted?

Extract file.password protected zip

I'm doing a VBA macro in excel, to extract files .zip (which would be a beard to do), except when the file is protected. I re ... FileNameZip & Chr(34) _ & " -o" & Chr(34) & NameUnZipFolder & Chr(34) & " " & "*.*"

How best to create a login system with PHP [closed]

closed . This question needs to be more objective and is not currently accepting answers. ... and to access it, the user enters the login and password. How best-safe and simple - to make the login and password system?

How does bcrypt work?

I did not understand very well the operation of salt of bcrypt , in javascript code (node): const bcrypt = require('bcrypt' ... ated salt, how then bcrypt makes this comparison, since the value of salt will interfere with the final hash of the password?