
What is serialization? When to use? How to implement in C#?

[Serializable] public class Pessoa { public string Nome { get; set; } public string Cpf { get; set; } } is there only one type of serialization? What are the alternatives to not needing to serialize an object?

What is serialVersionUID for?

If I don't declare this constant (serialVersionUID) in a class that implements the Serializable interface, I get a warning. But what is this constant for, anyway? Does its value interfere with object serialization?

How to pass data received from an activity and put it in a recyclerview

Hello, I'm a beginner in java programming and I'm having a hard time passing some serialized information from an activity to ... eco; } public void setPreco(String preco) { this.preco = preco; } public String toString(){ return comida; } }

How to write objects to a file and read these objects

I need to write the created objects to a TXT file and then perform reading of the recorded files and show the recorded object ... readObject(); //System.out.println(c1.toString()); ois.close(); }*/ } }

What are error correction codes?

What are and how do error correction codes work (error-correcting code)? I have seen this concept for example in QR Code (wh ... tic, exponential...) or at a lower rate (e.g. linear, logarithmic) - allowing for example to reach tolerances of 90% or more.