
process 24x5 in the jar how to convert to.war

I created a jar to calculate forex signals, but I would like to host it on some cloud server. As I've been researching, it wi ... he main problem: No .jar I put a loop on the Main and that's it... in .war, where could I do something similar? Thank you!

Display specific error! java.sql.SQLException'

Hello I am as following code: <c:set var="exception" value="${requestScope['java.sql.SQLException']}"/> <p c ... try { ... } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new ServletException(ex); }

Load Json data via Ajax

Guys, how do I load json data into a table in html? The table is mounted, the script I'm almost sure is right, to print the d ... , "rg": "45.072.044-5", "data_nasc": "17/07/1969" } ] If anyone can help me, I appreciate it very much

How to know which page is responding to the JSP request

I have several pages JSP , and I handle all of them in my servlet Control. I would like to know if you have how to identify w ... s being displayed so that I can do all the treatments, requests and responses, specific to this page . Could someone help me?

How to include file.jsp in the solution?

I am developing Java web applications using JSP's. I have a file called header.jsp, which contains links from CSS's files and ... ot directory. I have a folder that has other files .jsp, but when I try to make an include file header.jsp, it doesn't work.

Servlet with JSP does not insert into bank

I'm doing my college interdisciplinary project and it would be an e-commerce. Well, I was following the part of inserting in ... getConnection( at jdbc.ConnectionFactory.getConnection( ... 33 more

Best way to configure HTTP header content-length

Hello, I have a video player that makes a request via Servlet that already works and I need to include a new video. At fir ... change the header according to the video but I believe it would be a "dumb" way to do it. I would like a suggestion on this!

Error-java.useful.Date cannot be cast to java.sql.Date when saving data

When trying to write the data to the database, the program points me this exception: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.usefu ... (); return contatos; }catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException (e); } } }

Current versions of Java have the packages for Servlet?

On the college computer I used this code to make the Java connection to the Web. It worked, but at home, I have a more curren ... est request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { processRequest(request,response); } }

Ajax request returning blank

Everything Okay ? My doubt is this: I am making an ajax request for my servlet and its return is being blank. JS: $('#pes ... </button> </div> </div> </form> Return obtained:

How to make Ajax requests in Java [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... ow Ajax works in this language. I need a more practical and exact example to be able to do this work. Right now, thank you.


I am doing a basic user registration with Servlet. When I click the Register button I get the following error page (everythi ... equestDispatcher("cadatro_response.jsp").forward(request, response); } processRequest(request, response); }