
Deleting an element from Set Java error

I can't understand why the program compiles, but at startup it gives an error *Generating a collection set [65, 1, 97, 66, 2, ... .remove(i); } } Although if you use - System.out.println(i) in the conditions block, everything works...

c++ stl: intersection of sets

Tell me, is there a standard means in stl or some short optimal way to solve the following problem: There are 2 sets of inte ... struct a third set, which would include only those elements that are present in both the first set1 and the second set2 sets.

why set doesn't work with a list

Why set doesn't work for list set([[0], [0]]) Throws an error: TypeError: unhashable type: 'list' Translated into Russian: TypeError: нехешируемый тип: 'список' It didn't get any clearer. what does it mean and how to fix it?

PHP Cookie is not set on remote server

I implemented a cookie that works on the local server but does not work on the remote server, I do not understand why. Thank ... <button id="button1" type="submit"></button> </form> <?php } ?>

Type set in Python is ordered?

When creating a variable like this: a = {1,2,5,1,3} It ends up returning a variable of type set. However, in the Python d ... nction. In addition, set has no order, but when displaying the variable I get the numbers in ascending order. What is a set?

What is the difference between SET and ENUM in MySQL?

What are the differences between SET and ENUM in MySQL? And in what situations are both applied in the best way?

Differences between list, tuple and set

I know that in Python there are three structures that apparently resemble each other, but that basically have differences. Ar ... o clarify my doubt. I ask: What are the differences between these three structures? Differences in concept and application?

How to access the elements of a set?

I am studying about sets (set) in Python because I'm going to use in an algorithm to find paths in a graph, it's for a colleg ... d with non-zero status 1 Question Therefore, I would like to know how I could access the elements of a set individually?