
Working with python 3 arrays

The question is why when I create an array like this: x = [[]]*3 And then I'll add the element via the append method. Fo ... ,[]] Then using the same append method, as I indicated above, I will get this array: [[1],[],[]] Why is this happening ?

Search in a doubly linked list

An array of instances of the contact structure is read from the file. These instances form a doubly linked list. The search() ... Search(Head,Tail,NumOfPosition,kol_el); } } } while (rezh != 4); system("pause"); return 0;

Search in a doubly linked C++list

The task is to make a doubly linked list in which the class methods add/remove a list item, sort the list, display the list i ... e_end(); lst.Show(); lst.Delete_end(); lst.Add(); lst.Delete_first(); lst.Show(); system("PAUSE"); }

General drop-down menus-a list for multiple frames

There is a page that renders 4 frames. Each frame has three absolutely identical lists (In the example: "List_1", "List_2" an ... p://www.ustream.tv/embed/17824093?v=3&amp;wmode=direct">Имя_сайта_10</option> </select> </div>

Lists: output, fill, list search - C++

Hello, can someone tell me and show me how to correctly fill in, output a list that is based on a structure with 5 elements o ... } With this search, only one element is output, and how to make all the elements that fall into the condition be output?

Entering n elements in a single line

Here is the program: i = 1 k = 0 p = 0 n = int(input()) for i in range(1, n+1): a = int(input()) if a % 2 == 0: k + ... ements can be entered into the terminal only in this way: 3 1 2 3 And you need it like this: 3 1 2 3 How do I do this?

Delete list items by condition

There is a list of lst = [0, 95, 0, 76, 0, 23, 68, 0, 23, 156, 95] You need to delete each element following 0 To get th ... ,0,156,95] The str.index() method doesn't help me, since it only returns the first match, and c enumerate doesn't work yet.

How do I find the index of a list in a list that contains the point closest (by distance) to the point "n"?

The answer must be 1, because the nearest value in the 1 index list. point = [ [(540, 420), (620, 300), (370, 140), (2 ... , 15) items = [] for idx, area in enumerate(point): for x, y in area: items.append((idx, x, y))

2-list comparison function in Haskell

The work forced me to study Haskell. Faced with the need to write a function, the input of which is served two lists. It comp ... must be in the same order. I sit thinking how to do it. The elem function comes to mind. but I don't know how to attribute it

How do I check if a string contains a word from a list?

For example, there is a list of words = ["Авто", "Велосипед", "Самолет"] And for example the string str = "Быстрый автомобиль" You need to return True, because the line has "auto"