
SELECT in a table using not exists SQL (SERVER 2012)

I am trying to make a select tb1 using Where NOT EXISTS (select* tb2) I am trying to select the row in tb1 that does not exis ... ing in select it is not returning the lines that do not exist in tb2. SELECT * FROM TB1 WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM tb2)

Convert data dd / mm / yyyy hh: mm: ss to YYYY / mm / dd

I have a date in the following format 14/12/2015 00:00:00 and I need to convert to 2015-12-14 how can I do this in SQL?

Select product structure

Good Morning! Is there any way to create a query that brings the "product" and all the "components and subcomponents" of the ... , ('01.0007','01.0008','1','2'), ('01.0008','01.0009','1','3'), ('01.0008','01.0010','1','3'), ('01.0010','01.0011','1','4')

What is the difference between OUTER APPLY and inner JOIN in Sql Server?

What is the difference between OUTER APPLY and INNER JOIN in Sql Server? I know how the LEFT/RIGHT/INNER JOIN works but I ca ... ting as a normal JOIN. Would that be it? Or do you have more things about? Also How would the performance be comparing them?

Remote procedure call failed. [0x800706be]

After installing SQL Server 2008 R2, I access SQL Server Management Studio but the server name does not appear and in SQL Server Configuration Manager the services are not active.