
Encoding in Sublime Text 2

I used to be on Notepad++, now I decided to learn a new text editor for me. There was a question about the encoding: where to ... file had the encoding UTF-8 (без BOM): I open it in Sublime Text and see that the Cyrillic alphabet is displayed incorrectly.

Sublime Text 3 html and php highlighting

I want to have all html and php tags highlighted in sublime text 3. I don't have <!doctype html> and <?php > high ... e looks in Sublime Text 3, and in Visual Studio Code, all these tags are highlighted How do I set up Sublime Text like this?

Sublime Text 3-highlighting php code

Problem: When inserting php code into an html document, php is not highlighted. I attach a screen. If this is a file only wit ... quotation marks gray and dark, so that they are not visible at all, etc. Can I somehow fix this too? Thank you in advance.

Configuring Sublime Text 3 for Python 3

I decided to switch to Sublime and faced the following problem. Installed packages: Python3 Sublime PuthonIDE All Autocompli ... gram files\dotnet;c:\program files\nvidia corporation\nvidia nvdlisr;C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common]

C compilation and execution in Sublime Text 3, Windows 10

I want to compile a .c file in Sublime Text 3, in Windows 10, but when I try to output something with printf, nothing happens ... "shell": true, "path": "C:\\MinGW\\bin\\" } Changed the folder Мои работы to my_projects, but this is also not helped

Opening an HTML file in the browser that is being edited in Sublime Text

People, maybe, who knows how to run an html file from Sublime Text? In NotePad++, you can do this with the Ctrl shortcut+Alt+Shift+X.

how do I change the theme in sublime text 3 completely?

Help me change the sublime theme itself as in the first picture and then the classic one is already pretty fed up

Custom Emmet snippets stopped working in Sublime Text 3

At one point, custom Emmet snippets in Sublime Text 3 stopped working. In the settings of Emmett for a very long time did no ... rmation... Allegedly, he wrote everything correctly... I tried reinstalling Emmett, but it doesn't work... what could it be?

The image is not displayed when opening an html file written specifically in Visual Studio Code

Hello everyone. I am starting a layout designer and faced a problem like inserting a picture. I created the test folder in it ... 2-09-2012-15-25-18. jpg:1. What could be the problem? In sublime, under the same conditions, the picture displayed. Thank you

The View in Browser plugin doesn't work in Sublime Text 3

I downloaded Sublime Text 3, immediately installed the plugin for viewing the page in the browser (View in Browser). I click ... le "./python3.3/", line 1110, in _execute_child FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] Не удается найти указанный файл

White stripe on top in sablaym text 3

I was programming in sablaym text 3 and suddenly the top bar became white, and before it was black, even when I launch the application, the top bar is also white, how do I fix it? I would be very grateful What was it like: How it became:

Plugin for Sublime Text 3. Auto-add-on in JS

Is there any plugin for Sublime Text, so let's say I forgot how to write some method-there was an auto-selection as in the IDE.

Linking error: cannot open output file, Permission denied

I'm developing a project in sublime. I can only collect it once. If I make changes and try to rebuild, I get the following er ... pen output file C:\MyCode/Apple.exe: Permission denied collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status [Finished in 1.5s]

Missing syntax highlighting in sublime text windows 7

The HTML code looks like this: I tried changing the color schemes, but only the background color changes, and the text remains the same.

Sublime text 3, there is no disk in the device

When I enter a slash in quotation marks in js, this kind of error occurs: What kind of nonsense and how to fix it?

Highlighting matching tags Sublime Text)

Is it possible to customize the closing tag sub-grid in Sublime Text 3 in the same way as in the screenshot below(So implemen ... BracketHighlighter (, but after going through the available configs, not

How do I run the python3 code via SublimeREPL?

File Packages/sublimeREPL/config/Python/Main.sublime-menu [ { "id": "tools", "children": [{ "caption": ... PYTHONIOENCODING": "utf-8"} } } ] } ] }] } ]

Plugins for Sublime PHP

Is there a plugin that allows you to view what parameters to pass to a function when you hover over it? And if there are any other convenient plugins for convenience when working with PHP, please share a

Installing emmet in sublime

After installing emmet in sublime, html stopped unfolding, what should I do?

No panels in Sublime Text 3 after installation

I installed Sublime Text 3 on Ubuntu, but there are no panels (menus) on it. I put it on Windows - it has everything at once. How can this be fixed? (Package Control set and overloaded).