
Syntax error in pascalABC

School problem for finding the number of roots of a square equation. When compiling, it returns a syntax error "main.pas(20,9 ... c) writeln('Корней нет') end. I tried to put dots with commas in different variations. It didn't help. What should I do?

Syntax for writing C values

Hello everyone, I came across an article on the Internet on working with memory in C++, where I found this line of code: *(PD ... sterisk sign at the beginning, but at the same time there is a conversion to the pointer to DWORD type, why specify it twice?

Error "ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis" when specifying a foreign key for many-to-many communication

CREATE TABLE Recipe ( IDRecipe INT NOT NULL, IDIngredient INT NOT NULL FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES Ingredients (IDIngredie ... ); Constantly outputs an error: ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis How can I fix it? I can't figure out what's going on.

Syntax highlighting doesn't work in jb project rider when working with Unity

using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class Script : MonoBehaviour { pub ... hlight all available ones. And he only highlighted some words in blue and that's it. Code analysis is enabled. How to fix it?

How do I return values from a MySQL stored procedure?

I started learning MySQL after 20 years of working with SQL Server. 95% of my database queries are stored procedure calls, wh ... ything is clear. The syntax is no different from Transact-SQL. I would appreciate more elegant solutions (if there are any).