
Setting up a TCP connection

When a tcp connection is established, the client sends the SYN, the server allocates resources for the connection and sends t ... erver allocates resources"in this scheme? What are these resources? Can I get as much detail as possible, or at least a link?

How to open a socket to send a python tcp packet

I need to use the handles to collect a tcp packet (SYN) and send it to the server. How to properly open a socket so that you ... I open it like this, but I'm not sure what is correct: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.IPPROTO_TCP)

C# TCP console server: how to accept commands and their data from Unity clients

Help people! in C#, I want to write a console TCP server for many unity clients, who knows if the correct way to accept serialized data and process it in this way is through a switch? How can I accept both the command and the data in the same thread?

TcpDump. How do I view the traffic coming to a specific port?

There is a simulator of a geodata transfer device operating over TCP/IP. This simulator is located on a remote server and sen ... tell me what you need to do to find out if there is traffic on a certain port number. I'm not good at system administration.

What is the maximum RTP packet size for TCP/UDP transmission

I have a question, what is the maximum packet size RTP possible, when transmitting it over the TCP or UDP protocol, since the ... potential packet RTP. It would also be great to know which ones + and - when sending the maximum packet size by TCP and UDP.

How to create a web socket client in C#?

I have a server in php and a WebSocket client in js in the browser. How to create a connection socket with the same server in C# via the tcp protocol? I use the standard library System. Net. WebSockets.

Does Windows have standard tools similar to Tshark or Tcpdump?

Good afternoon! Need to know if there is something standard in Windows that would allow you to create network traffic dumps( .pcap files)? This functionality is provided by non-standard WireShark (TShark ) and TcpDump. Thanks!

Encoding and decoding of IP, TCP, UDP, ICMP calls in Asio

In this example, icmp/ping.cpp when sending an ICMP echo request, only the ICMP header is encoded and sent, and when receivin ... rateful for an explanation of this uncertainty to those who are better versed in network technologies and Boost.Asio. Thanks.

(UWP C#) The application accessed an interface related to another thread

I found an example of implementing a console TCP chat in C# and decided to try to transfer its client to UWP. In the example, ... ), my Chathistory string gets the value of message but boxChat for some reason does not update this value. I'll keep digging.

Connecting static SFML libraries (Network-to be precise)

I ran into the following problem: I work in VS19 and use SFML libraries for work, I have never worked with static libraries b ... do it myself sort out. So please help me with this issue. Thank you in advance. And thank you for your time on this issue :)

Getting socket tcp / udp data

You need to get the data packet to the public IP and return the message. The code below only handles local requests 192.168.0 ... matically, but packets they still don't reach To check, I use the linux commands: echo "hello" > /dev/udp/ip/port and ping

How do I create a C# server that remote users can connect to?

I have been trying to create a server-client application through sockets and the Tcp protocol for a very long time. I start t ... er: " + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes, 0, bytesRec)); sender.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); sender.Close();

What is the meaning of the SYN and ACK numbers in the TCP protocol?

Hello. I don't understand what SYN and ACK mean when establishing a TCP connection. I watched a lot of videos and didn't unde ... ncrements per unit... We need some simple example that is understandable for someone who does not understand networks at all.

Python3 Site sent invalid response

When I first started learning python socket . Then I immediately wrote my own tcp server similar to others. My old code, whic ... went toпорт and I already displayed that everything it works. Now, neither the server nor the client are working.

wcf service, transfer of large files

There is a WCF service using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text ... like to know how to change the configuration so that it is possible to send ~2Gb files over a tcp connection and named pipes

Ports. Local and external?

I studied computer networks. I got into a dead end... Some suffer with closed ports, when using any programs (uTorrent, skype ... orts??! I checked that skype has no open ports on my external ip.. It turns out that there are internal and external ports??

Transferring images from the server to the client

I need to take a picture from the server to the client. There is a mobile application on which, at the touch of a button, I ... to somehow accept and save this image on my phone, and only then output it. Is there an easier way? Using a TCP connection.

Connection failed because the destination computer rejected the connection request 11000

Client-server application on tcp / ip Everything worked on win xp (ports 11000 and 11001), but it doesn't start on win7. So ... If anyone will suggest an idea, I will be very grateful. The problem is often it occurs, but no one has given a solution

How does recv () understand that all data is received in TCP cases?

As far as I understand, data over TCP is transmitted as a continuous stream, until the connection is broken. If you look at t ... ng tmp; std::getline(std::cin, tmp); //приостановка выполнения, соединение все еще не закрыто return EXIT_SUCCESS; }

Arduino sending data to a TCP server

Hello, please help, I was climbing on the Internet but I could not find a clear answer, Google is trying hard to push me to s ... o receive them at the same time, or if the transmission is active with one arduino, the second will choke, how to avoid this?