
How do I associate input with textarea?

How do I link <input type="text"> to <textarea>? Eg: There is a field <textarea>, it is already filled ... en it would replace 500 which is inside <textarea> and it would become like this (this is what is inside textarea=700)?

How do I change the text selection color in Pycharm?

For example, when the Monokai theme is installed, it is very difficult to see the selected text with the mouse.

How to open a folder with Android files

My application writes logs to text files, every day, month, year, a new folder with files is created. How can I open the log ... orking way so that everyone has the opportunity, even without a file manager, to open a folder with files and view text logs.

How to find out the encoding of a text file

There is a program that processes a text file. You need to check the text encoding before opening and working with the file. Tell me how to implement it, I'm just starting to learn Java, I would appreciate a sample code.

How to write a translator script for a website in jquery

There is a site. How to make sure that when you log in to the site, one text changes to another. Let's say the site has the f ... var t = $this.text(); $this.html(t.replace('Форум','Forum') .replace('Темы', 'Mövzular')); }); </script>

C program that reads a text file and prints lines in reverse order

I would like to know why when running the script below, the lines appear spaced, except the first line. Input Linha1 L ... n"); while (current != NULL) { printf("- %s",current->produtos); current = current->prev; } return 0; }

Modify in xml in multiple files

Hello, Personnel I need to modify a value inside an xml node, the problem is that I need to do this in 1300 files at once, ... Preciso modificar em todos arquivos para <VDesc>0.00</vDesc> Just that, any suggestions, what tool to use?

React Native-text input does not lose focus

And I Put a <TextInput/> - to do with the dawn on my project, but after that I click on in the <TextInput/>, and ... borderColor: this.state.borderColor, }} /> </View> ); } } export default App;```

Difference between text type and varchar type in SQL Server

What is the difference between using the text type instead of the varchar type to store information in the database? Is there a performance problem? Because I have a table in the bank that has a column text and it several times error timeout.

Line break with CSS without

I'm having this problem in css and I can't solve, when the text gets too big, I can't make this line break, I can't use the , ... ;button type="submit" value="deletar"><span class="ion-android-send">></span></button> </form>

Receive text typed in input text, put in variable and apply in link

I want to receive the text in a field typed by the user and, when clicking on submit, the same will be generated a link with ... e="submit"> <i class="fa fa-paper-plane-o"></i> </button> </form> How can I do this?