
Raise the server at home in Denver via the D-link dir400 router

Guys, good evening.The situation is this, there is a Denver and there is a d-link dir 400 router. There is a website in Denv ... velo. And how to transfer the IP address to the project now? My head is already spinning from the number of reread manuals...

How to run tomcat intellij idea

Hi) I can't run tomcat (well, not at all) in the idea. Just to display my pages and work servlets, I do not need war. I press ... .catalina.startup.Catalina.stopServer No shutdown port configured. Shut down server through OS signal. Server not shut down.

Web server response code 204 instead of 200

Tell me please. why can the response code from the web server return 204 instead of 200? for example, the browser requests a ... situation clearly. moreover, javascript is loaded on the page from another application (from another server). cross-domain.

HttpURLConnection Request to the 1c web service with a login from android

I made a request to the 1c web service, it has an authorization window, how do I send my username and password along with th ... ection.setReadTimeout(1000); httpURLConnection.setConnectTimeout(1000); httpURLConnection.connect();

How do I use X. 509 certificates?

Let's say I want to write 2 console programs: client and server. I will create self-signed certificates, install them on the ... omes from the server itself or to link programs with certificates, you can use cmd and the OS will check everything itself?

How do I call a remote web service method via the browser bar? | Java

Interface: @WebService @SOAPBinding(style = SOAPBinding.Style.RPC) public interface WsdlWebService { @WebMethod Str ... location=""/> </port> </service> </definitions>

How do I set up Denwer?

How can I configure Denver so that my IP can be used to connect to my site (s. s. I have a dynamic IP and a router)

Line break character in HTTP headers

I send the following response from the server: QString response = "HTTP/1.1 \r\n Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * \r\n 200 OK ... he response to "shove" the Access-Control-Allow-Origin parameter and whether I correctly specified the line break characters

The site from the java web server does not work in iOS browsers

I am new to the Java Server theme and decided to write my web server in java, on a clean java.net with ServerSocket. The serv ... nnection: keep-alive Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8; charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 12243 Text How do I fix this?

What header does the server use to return jpg and png to the browser?

I'm writing a small http server,since I haven't returned anything other than html text yet. As a header, I just sent "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n\n", what should I add that the browser read the images ?

Advise hosting for the site on Flask (python) [closed]

Closed. It is impossible to give an objective answer to this question . Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... stion Advise hosting for a website on Flask (python) When Googled, one ad popped up

Web-Socket Timeout

I'll go straight to the heart of the problem. We received a task to raise web sockets. Working on OpenServer shared via domai ... ]; $ask = $this->transform(json_encode($messageArray)); return $ask; } }

Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server on the local server?

I ran into a problem, after I added a virtual host to the httdp-vhosts.conf file, I stopped accessing http://localhost/ I dec ... writes Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server. What could be the error. P.S. Windows 10 Axis

As in one.htaccess file deny access to multiple folders at once?

I know how to prevent access to a folder on the site: just create a file in it .htaccess with the following content: deny f ... access, is there a possibility create a single .htaccess that will have instructions to ban multiple folders listed at once?

Creating a video from images to the server (PHP)

Hello. There was a task to create a Gif on the server from ordinary images (jpg). The problem was solved using the php librar ... from which the video gif was created, so that instead of showing this video to the user. How can this be implemented in PHP?

image output from the database

You need to output the image stored in the database (using wamserver). It is saved to the database, you can even download it ... ack" href="index.html">Назад</a> </div> </body> </html> Database images table Table users

RewriteRule RewriteCond in. htaccess

The situation is as follows. I found an instruction on the Internet .htaccess using mod_rewrite to "tie" all the questions to ... understand the logic of the work, so that there are fewer questions in the future. Thank you in advance to all who responded

memory limit php

In php. ini, the default value is 128 MB, is this the value that will consume 1 script or all? And does it make sense to put more for a machine with 8GB RAM;

Java server for a J2ME application

I'm trying to write a server on Java for polling and managing some hardware with GPRS - modems on J2ME. Now I have implemente ... her the same fret. Tell me which way to think, or maybe I did not choose the right technology to implement this task at all?

In WordPress, /public html is output under the footer. Why? And how to remove it?

I make a website on Wordpress. Everything works, there don't seem to be any problems, but the browser displays /public_html u ... ublic_html and how can I fix it? P.S. The browsers also show that I don't have a secure connection. Maybe that matters, too?