
How to know what the largest variable of a vector in R?

Suppose I have the following variables: x = 2 y = 3 z = 5 And I turn them into a vector: vetor = c(x,y,z) Thought of u ... z is the largest, which in this case would be the variable z. How can I know what is the largest variable of a vector in R?

R < - Vector-Error in c( vector item, v$qty): object 'vector item' not found

A Simple Question, How to have vector (new) briefly to avoid: for(v in i$checkout) { c(vector, v$name) -> vector c(vector_item, v$qty) -> vector_item } Error in c (vector_item, v$qty): object 'vector_item' not found

C++ free (): invalid pointer aborted when trying to create a function

I'm trying to create a library for operations with arrays in C++ but I'm running into a problem. I created a function to pri ... [0].size(); j++) { cout << X[i][j] << "\t"; } cout << endl; } return 0; }