
What purpose of git push-u?

I've noticed several people asking questions about possible errors in GIT and noticed that it sometimes involves -u. For exam ... r even comes to know what the -u or any other option of the GIT. What purpose of git push -u? How in fact should it be used?

How to connect Visual Studio Code with TFVC?

Is there a way to connect Visual Studio Code to use Team Foundation Version Control(TFVC)? If so, how to do?

How do you decide if an application is in alpha, beta, RC or RTM?

Each Windows has alpha, beta, RC and RTM versions, and as you progress from left to right in these versions it will get more ... cisions about that? How do you know if a software is in alpha, beta, RC or RTM? What are the criteria used to determine this?

PHP version without phpinfo () or phpversion()

Does anyone know how to check the php version without using method return? I looked at php.ini and there also does not have m ... ual version that is installed? Publication IIs(6 )... How do you know that way? I googled but didn't find anything useful...

How to versioning front-end projects?

How to versioning front-end projects? Semantic versioning brings the following approaches: MAJOR-when you make incompati ... f a front-end? If my frontend happens to consume a new third-party API, would it be a MAJOR change? Would like suggestions.

How to set the version of a software?

I would like to know what the number of software versions are and how they work, such as v1.1.2 What does it mean ? Are there any standards or recommendations for web application versions ?

What is Flyway and when to use it?

The system recently drew attention to this question, and it talks about Flyway. So I would like to know: What is Flyway ... What are the competing solutions? does it fit for multi-tenancy? if so, for heterogeneous scheme banks, does it also fit?

I ran merge command in wrong branch how to undo

In my project contains 2 branch a work and a master, today after a long time I went to upload the version of the project, but ... files, there is Follows below command sequence I used: Please help me, I'm pretty desperate with this mistake of mine: /

I should add the file.sweat to my source control?

Visual Studio has a file with the extension .suo that writes some project options. What is this file for and what options does it store? Should this file be added to the project in TFS, SVN, or any other Source control that is being used?

What is the best practice for empty folders in the.gitignore

Some people told me that the correct thing is to create an empty file and put it inside each folder and set a .gitignore like ... gle file .gitignore or one in each folder? What is the best alternative? Remembering that both forms were tested and worked.

What is a pull request for?

I'm working as a team on bitbucket and would like to know what a pull request is for. On what occasions should we use this feature.

What is the difference between stable and legacy versions of jQuery UI?

I went to download JQuery ++ and realized that it has two options, a stable call and a legacy call, I would like to know the difference.

Git Bash - segmentation fault [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... entials and repositories correctly in folders with general permissions. From now on I thank the Stack Overflow community. ;)

How to make a GIT repository become a common system folder again?

Good night, I'm learning GIT. In the beginning I created as a repository the folder of my desktop. That contains several file ... o delete the my desktop folder. I just want it to be a common system folder again and not a GIT repository. How do I do that?

What is the difference between the 'git pull' and 'git fetch' commands?

I would like to know what is the difference between git pull and git fetch commands in git versioning software.

How to disable (stop, remove, delete) git versioning of a repository

I cloned a GitHub repository in my directory, but it came full of commits, i.e. versioned. Wanted to restart it as a reposito ... cratch, how do I? Already tried the Command: git reset (did not work). What I want is the opposite of the command git init

Can I versioning A Word document in Git

I would like to do a Test in Git by versioning Any Word document for example: Enter any line and commit Enter another line and commit Go back from Version 2 to Version 1 and check the word document if it is as in the first step.

What does a SNAPSHOT version mean?

Would a version SNAPSHOT be similar to a BETA version? I work with Maven and by default it creates the WARs files as MeuPro ... OT.war. If my version is not yet a version 1.0.0 What is the meaning of the word SNAPSHOT? Wouldn't it be the same as 0.0.1?

Changes to other branches in tfs appear in the branch I act on

I don't know much about TFS. But one thing is driving me crazy. Whenever I open a certain branch to work, when I finish and ... tion is: how do you prevent these files from appearing and leave only the changes of the current branch? Avoid the Exclude

How do I undo the last commit in git?

I accidentally committed the wrong files to git. How to undo this?