
Can a site be hacked using JS code injection?

Yes, many people say that the imagination is limitless, and that it seems possible to hack, but I don't see any ways yet, and ... articles on the blog to unfamiliar authors, that's interesting-WP skips JS fine, do something about it, or leave it that way.

Social network hacking programs [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... n is: how is it carried out? real hacks (thoughts immediately about xss attacks and vulnerabilities) of users ' social pages?

How to hack bootloader?

The fact is that I need root rights, and for this I need to unlock bootloader. The problem is that when you choose to open it ... questions on this topic in support of LG, but nothing more than - "This is not provided by the manufacturer" I was not told.

Bypassing the corporate proxy

Hello. Please help me on the topic described in the title. The situation is as follows: there are several computers connect ... white static ip, a Raspberry Pi, and a home PC. Is there any way to configure all this to bypass filters in the organization?

Opening a linear congruent pseudorandom number generator

For training purposes, I want to hack the simplest RNG. Even those who do not know about the linear congruent generator or ... 15245 is used in rand? Cracking a linear congruential generator Design of Cryptographically Strong Generator By Transforming

Monitoring of network activity of processes

One of the servers, as the hosting provider says, is hacked. The server sends 2-4 GB of data to port 80 UDP, Chinese ip. Thi ... e log is written around the clock, with the ability to then read it. Maybe netstat has this capability? Thank you in advance!

How do I reset my password in Lubuntu 16?

In general, the problem is, I forgot my password, or someone changed it. In general, it does not work through recovery mode, the system crashes. What should I do?

Language for learning hacking [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... Tell me, what languages would you recommend to learn for further training in hacking?

What does a hacker need to know? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... ou need to know to do this: YouTube: Hackers have fun? Namely, what technologies, OSI levels, etc., do you need to know well?