
I need to compare the value of the last filled cell with the antepenultimate

Hello Thank you for your attention. I need to compare the value of the last filled cell with the antepenultimate one. if th ... MsgBox ("menos1") Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:01")) Wend Wend Wend End With End Sub

Download data from Stock Exchange tables in the R

I have the following code, I need to download the data that is in the table, but the dataframe is always returning empty. li ... text() %>% str_replace(",", ".") %>% as.numeric() %>% matrix(ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE) %>% as.data.frame()

Web scraping strategies in R

The site I wish to extract information is familysearch.org. in it it is possible to download each page (in image format) of c ... RStudio) stating that that address is no longer used, which leads me to believe that there was no redirection. What can I do?

Inspect Element in Power BI published!

You guys talking, all right? I need to inspect a site element https://www.seade.gov.br/coronavirus/ to scrape an information ... vailable. I tried to contact the developers of the project who also could not inform where I can get the data. Worth it guys!

Web scraping python running javascript on CEF website [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... r. I searched on the net some things but I could not understand the process itself. If anyone can help me, I appreciate it.

Run python script by clicking html button

I need to feed a page html that will load and display the content dynamically with ajax/fetch. The problem is that I need to ... t is called in the tag <form>? Note: workarounds can help but at first I wanted something with these tools or that way.