
How to convert png or jpg to webp in webpack

For Gulp, there is a gulp-webp plugin that converts images to a format .webp Is there an analog for webpack and how to use it?

Modx Gallery Upload Event

Hello everyone There is a website on modx. I use the Gallery and PhpThumbOn plugins. I want to connect webp images to the sit ... r which event should I use if it's already built in? I didn't find anything about Events in the gallery documentation Thanks!

Modern image formats JPEG 2000, JPEG XR and WebP

I ask for help to solve the problem when optimizing the site, Google pagespeed asks "Use modern image formats" (JPEG 2000, JP ... ch formats as how to work with them correctly or how to output to the web JPEG 2000 , does it work at all in other browsers ?

Why doesn't Firefox display WEBP images?

I made a slide on a site where I use images that were passed to me in WEBP format. I thought everything was right as in Chro ... only experimental (this question needs to be answered considering we are in the year of 2018)? Which browsers are supported?

Upload WebP images [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... Does anyone know how this is done? If it's time to upload or display? The site is made in PHP, using the Laravel framework.

How to convert jpg images to webp using php?

I am setting up a website of a real estate that imports the photos of an xml. I wanted that when importing, it converted the ... on the net, I could not make it work. Does anyone know a good way to do this jpg to webp conversion, using php? Thank you!

What javascript code can I use to replace all html images with webp extension to png when the browser is Safari?

I converted all the images of the site to the format .webp . However, the Safari browser (Apple) still does not recognize it. ... .replace(/webp/g, "png"); document.getElementById("imagemsafari").src = res; } </script> Could I explain?