
Socket chat on go

Good afternoon. Trying to figure out sockets on go. How do I identify a specific connection? For example, one user gives the ... ere is a general chat. It is necessary to filter somehow, from who and to whom to forward the data. How do I do this? Thanks.

Example of using web sockets in php with workerman

Please provide an example of using the workerman library. The whole Internet is littered with examples of the helloworld type ... client on the backend is not clear. Where and what to initiate so that the dataset X is destined to the client Y, got to him.

Problem with websocket Tomcat 9. Help needed

I am trying to write my first client-server application using websocket and Tomcat 9 server. I found this example on the Inte ... function wserror(message){ echoText.value += "Error ... \n"; } </script> </body> </html>

Connecting a C++ server to a browser via sockets

There was an idea to write a server in c++ using the winsock library and connect to it from the browser. That is, in fact, I ... eard that it is possible to work with web sockets in js, but is it possible to connect them with winsock sockets? If so, how?

Simple Script to know how many users are online on the site?

Friends, is there any simple script in php (or some other solution for linux php/mysql server) to know how many users are onl ... verloading the server (when it comes to this, I expect to be with dedicated server). Any help is valid! Thank you very much!

How to check real-time change in the database with websocket php?

I want to update a div only when there is a change in a certain field in the database, I'm currently using polling, but I wan ... found examples of chats, and that's not what I need. Does anyone have a tip on how to check database changes with websocket?

How to know when the computer will shut down/restart/hibernate / suspend in Delphi?

I have a system that works with websocket in Delphi with mORMot, when I restart the PC or when I turn off it executes OnClose ... end else if (pMsg.PowerEvt = PBT_APMRESUMESUSPEND) then begin // Retornando end; pMsg.result := 1; end;

How websocket works in php

I have this doubt, for example, I have a server written in PHP. When a user A connects to this server does the server perfor ... the user A to finish before making his execution? or how does it work? I'm lost. I don't know if I made myself understood..

What does handshake mean?

While studying on WebSocket , I read the following sentence: Its only relationship to HTTP is that its handshake is inte ... at does handshake mean? in practice, which means "...your handshake is interpreted by HTTP servers as an Upgrade request"?

How to design a basic socket client application

First of all I apologize for the long text, and for the various points asked. I thought it best to throw everyone into a ques ... loop to keep the connection open? How can I avoid this? I thank any feedback. I threw this question also in SO in English .

Google Maps and WebSocket Flutter

Well, come on... I'm developing an application using flutter (I'm new to the Dart language), so I need my application to upda ... children: Syncing files to Device Android SDK built for x86... 7.306 ms (!) Would Anyone know how to help me?

How to configure a certificate to make a connection to JavaScript WebSockets

How to configure a certificate to make a connection to JavaScript WebSockets, using C # SuperWebSocket as a server? I need t ... rtificateConfig() { FilePath = @"C:/meucaminho", Password = "123" };