
How to get the current Url in a WebView-IOS

I am trying to get the current URL because when it is in a certain URL I need to open the camera of the mobile. With android ... [webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"window.location"]; return [self shouldStartDecidePolicy: request]; }

WebView not Android, modifying or HTML

I am able to load the URL on my device, using the WebView, but the page it loads is not adapted for mobile devices. I would l ... y(intent); return true; } } I want to leave only the login field, password and login Button, and then move on normally.

How to increase the text size of a WebView?

My app does RSS reading. but what bothers me is the letter that is small, I want to leave a little bigger that is visually "r ... android:scrollbarStyle="insideOverlay" android:text="@string/desc" /> </RelativeLayout>

WebView Android Studio giving error to open email links mailto:

I created an app using WebView in Android Studio. On my site on which WebView opens has email links that when clicked should ... miWebview.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient()); miWebview.loadUrl("http://cariocaempregos.com.br"); } }

Doubts back button when opening webview browser

Good afternoon I have the following doubts I use a shouldOverrideUrlLoading to detect when certain link is clicked inside my ... Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "1Detectou", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); return false; } }); [/code]