
Links to Viber, Whatsapp, Telegram

How to insert links to Viber, Whatsapp and Telegram on the site, when you click on them, the application opens and immediatel ... ber opens it writes the error "Action could not be performed". Whatsapp with Telegram open the program but are silent at all

Share app link with WhatsApp

Good Morning ! How do I share a link from my app with a contact on whatsapp ? Searching on the internet I managed to form ... ed my app to send the uri itself, or at least retrieve that Uri that I can't even do in Main Activity... I appreciate it now!

Android send message to multiple Whatsapp contacts

I have an application that today displays the contacts of the agenda that have whatsapp, and there it is possible to excrete ... the firing for multiple contacts, it would be on the whatsapp screen that opens just come already with the selected contacts.

How to send a GIF on Whatsapp programmatically on Android?

How can I send a GIF located in the internal memory of my app directly to Whatsapp programmatically?

PhoneGap-Open WhatsApp " whatsapp: / / send?"IOS 10

Until the latest version of iOS 9 when I wanted to share something by whatsapp I could use the link: whatsapp://send?text=m ... js. But in iOS 10 this stopped working, when you click on the link it does not perform anything, does not even open whatsapp.

OG picture in various sizes

I own meta with og: image on a website in the size of 300x110px; Until then everything is fine, I share the website on soci ... the box where it will display will be smaller? Or any way I say that in each sharing display the og: image is of such size.

Send message to WhatsApp via website [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... lient is there on the site and there is a field to type a message and click "send" and I receive the message on my WhatsApp.

Open Whatsapp on a specific contact through a web link [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... a specific contact even without having the need for a prior conversation. I am grateful to anyone who can help. Strong hug

WhatsApp Link does not work on iOS

I am developing a landing page where there will be an icon with Link to WhatsApp. Follow this tutorial . http://api.whatsa ... taken to the WhatsApp page in the App Store. Is there any particularity in iOS? Does the link need to be done differently?

Thumbnail Open Graph does not appear on Whatsapp

On the site https://www.institutomagnus.org/blog/instituto-magnus-no-programa-pet-patas-da-tv-sol-indaiatuba that I am mainta ... of https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25100917/showing-thumbnail-for-link-in-whatsapp-ogimage-meta-tag-doesnt-work#32154775

WhatsApp API does not connect to database

I'm a beginner in this area of servers, docker, WhatsApp API, etc. I need to install it on my GoDaddy VPS. Docker is already ... il down to Why did I test with this URL in the postman and gave problem when accessing the page.

Macro in Word to format WhatsApp conversations

Hello, I am making a macro to edit WhatsApp conversations. When you access WhatsApp, open a conversation, tap the three dots ... End Function Before declaring limitP and the p counter, when I ran the code it ended up in a loop infinite and locked Word.

Receive text typed in input text, put in variable and apply in link

I want to receive the text in a field typed by the user and, when clicking on submit, the same will be generated a link with ... e="submit"> <i class="fa fa-paper-plane-o"></i> </button> </form> How can I do this?

Difficulties in making Whatsapp button source code work in HTML [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... x #888; z-index:1000;" target="_blank"> <i style="margin-top:16px" class="fa fa-whatsapp"></i> </a>

How to add a whatsapp link in a contact [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... ').append(`<div><h4><b class="font-modal">Contato:</b> ${property.contato}</h4></div>`);

How to send a message to a whatsapp group with venomous0x or yowsup api? [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... 5830-1,[email protected],type=chat Event send_message: phoneNumber=5591XXXXXXXX Thanks for the help right now.

Is there any "official" Whatsapp API [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... a lot. If an open source api has been shut down for legal reasons, how are companies marketing shots and how do they do it?

Send message via whatsapp programmatically [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... app-programmatically Detail: I just want to send, and not start a chat! In this case, I send the message and close the chat.

Whatsapp Web uses Node.js?

I would like to know what technologies are used in the development of Whatsapp Web. Ps: survey level question.

Send Whatsapp message by Link on website

I would like to know how to send a message by a link to a certain number. I've been able to do for Android, but for iPhone it ... <a href="intent://send/123456789#Intent;scheme=smsto;package=com.whatsapp;action=android.intent.action.SENDTO;end">