
Writing an RPG using C# and XNA in 3D

The question is definitely noob, but since it appears so often on the web, I would like to put everything together in one pla ... I have no idea how exactly it should interact. Maybe there is some kind of programming pattern here? If so, tell me the name.

Microsoft.XNA is initialized every other time in Visual Studio 2019

I have a game project on MonoGame. Usings: using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; using Micro ... metimes it doesn't. If it doesn't, I reboot it and everything works. Once again I reboot - again bugs. XNA hence. What to do?

Capture buttons pressed in video game control reliably

I want to use an XBox controller to control a program. It's not a game, it's just an application Windows Forms. I don't want ... the analog directional or with the triggers on the shoulders of control. Does anyone know of a more reliable way to do this?