How to access the application running on localhost from another computer

I have a web application made in ASP.NET MVC 5, and I gave a start in it by Visual Studio 2013, the address of the Index page was like this on the machine where it is running: http://localhost:51144/.

How do I get another computer on the network to access my application?

Author: brasofilo, 2014-06-18

1 answers

If you have IIs (Internet Information Servces) installed on your machine, you can host your application as a website there. Other computers on the network can access it using http: / / <nome do seu computador>/site name.

To test if IIS is installed open the browser and go to http://localhost. Testing if IIS is installed

If you do not have IIS installed, see how to enable it in this link: (v=vs. 80).aspx

To learn how to create a website in IIS take a look at this link: (v=vs. 80).aspx

Another option is you publish your application directly from Visual Studio , see this article with a step by step:

Author: Renan, 2014-06-18 13:37:25