Facebook login error

When I try to log in by facebook through my application, it gives the error: URL blocked: the redirect failed because th ... k developers, it was to work the login. However, I did this procedure and the error still persists. How do I solve this ?

Translating Identity

I'm using Identity in my application MVC 5.2.3 Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core 2.2.1 I also installed the translation pack ... equestEncoding="UTF-8" responseEncoding="UTF-8" fileEncoding="UTF-8" /> What is missing for this message to be in pt-br?

Problem running Method to insert new user using ASP.NET MVC with HTML and RAZOR

I am having a problem when executing a request to insert a new user, I do not know what I need to do now to finish my request ... : Usuario [HttpDelete] public ActionResult Delete(int id) { Repo.Deletar(id); return View("Index", Repo.Listar()); }

MVC 5 and EF 6 Put form from another view

Keeps giving the comment error null in this line: ViewBag.PostId = new SelectList(db.Posts, "PostId", "Titulo", comentari ... .. }. Then when it goes to the line of ViewBag it gives the error. I noticed that model Comentario is not being instantiated.

MOIP consume JSON Web Api MVC

I need to use the MOIP Payment API as a payment method of my system, how do I make the request via json? Documentation ... C0NT" }, "_links": { "self": { "href": "" } } }

Send a list with multiple items to the controller

Well, I'm facing the following problem in a project I'm working on: how to pass a list with approx. 500~1000 lines from View ... and recording one-by-one. Work. However, the user must have the power to submit only when he is sure of the selected lines...

Convert and save photo to BD

I'm working on a project where I have to save some photos. So I am studying the best way to accomplish the task. I thought a ... others?) the reverse process, i.e. take the array from Byte and convert to photo, wouldn't it be a slow process? Thank you.

Change Title to display tooltip

I am doing email validation using toolTip to display the message. If first the guy puts registered email the search is made a ... the return is being executed correctly, and in the first was inserted an email not registered, and in the second registered.

Custom Viewbag, how to do?

I need a 'custom' Viewbag, which brings the name of the teacher and the id, referring to the school logged in, for this I did ... And ai in the view, the Dropdownlist displays the results as follows: MinhaAplicacao.Models.Professor And not their name.

How to access the application running on localhost from another computer

I have a web application made in ASP.NET MVC 5, and I gave a start in it by Visual Studio 2013, the address of the Index pag ... machine where it is running: http://localhost:51144/. How do I get another computer on the network to access my application?

Validate Jquery does not work with Bootstrap Toggle

I'm using / , a simple toggle of true or false. Here is the Code: View: <form id="my ... *</span>" }, .... The "Allow" field is required. She needs to stay true. Validate is not working. Any solution ?

What can cause the EF performance drop in this scenario?

I've been doing a data import for a project in ASP.NET MVC 5 with EF 6.1 and SQL Server 2008 where the import data source w ... d; } else { profissao_id = profissaoTemp.Id; } } return profissao_id; }

Persist information using ViewBag?

I have my screen login is I want to show the name is user id logged on another screen, so I can use this information. In my ... : @TempData["id"]</div> <div class="panel-heading">Nome: @TempData["nome"] </div> </div>

Plugin to upload multiple images

I have the following classes in my project. Galeria e Fotos I have a ViewModel where I get the data from Galeria and the d ... I researched many but could not understand how I apply this case of mine in the examples I saw. Any suggestion is welcome.

How to retrieve logged in username and display in View

I'm trying to develop a page, where I put the user login, it is redirected to an index, where I would like to display the use ... del OneeWeb.Models.ApplicationUser @{ ViewBag.Title = "Index"; } this is the model responsible for having user data?

How to reference an image tag

I'm studying Asp.Net MVC and I'm having trouble setting the URL of the tag HTML: <!-- menu profile quick info -- ... ght this URL: src="~/Views/Home/images/img.jpg"? My project hierarchy: Because when executing, I am having the error:

How to put an image in an HTML button

I am creating a button on a certain page and would like to put a background image. I'm trying to use the background-image:ur ... Fabric: Project hierarchy: Update, a folder was created in the project called Image but still, it did not work:

Display popup balloon over a Label

I would like to display a small message to the user, style those when hovering, if I'm not mistaken it would be the attribute ... @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.Celular, "", new { @class = "text-danger" }) </div> </div>

Log generation with NLog?

I am using NLog, and for each client logged into the system I would like to create a behavior for log generation as follows: ... there is one file per day for each client. is it possible to do this? I searched for tutorials but found nothing like it.

Best practices when modularizing an application with EF and multi-bank

Let's say I want to model an application in .NET using EntityFramework as ORM and use one of its advantages, be "generic" for ... or rather, what are the best practices to be adopted in this scenario? How to deal with references / dependencies of dlls ?