Nest tag in another tag with foreach

I have this foreach, which I did with the help of you here at SOPT. It cost me to make it work, but it worked. Only I did it with only one knot. What I'm gonna need is this. I have a father node, within that Father node a son, within the son a grandson and so it goes. My model returns all the necessary fields. I have tried to do several ways and they all give error in the tag, because it says the message that it is not possible to Nest tags the way I am doing. See, this code below, I can bring all the reasons.

   @foreach (var item in Model)

         <li item-checked='false' item-expanded='false'>

Now I need to bring within this reason, the business units. These values or data comes from the same Model, it would be more or less like this:

    <li item-checked='false' item-expanded='false'>

However, if I put this code inside the main foreach it gives error in the tag <ul>. But for my little experience, I will need a tag <ul> to go positioning the Unit_negocio, and more, I need, in my understanding of another foreach only for the Unit_negocio. There I do not I can walk more. This whole trap is because I could not make it work via jquery, because for my jquery already brings everything in each, but I could not mount the check's and so I am working directly in cshtml(view).

I did so as colleague Miguel suggested, but gives error:

                @foreach (var item in Model)

                    <li item-checked='false' item-expanded='false'>
                            @foreach (var negocio in Model.Unidade_Negocio)
                                <li item-checked='false' item-expanded='false'>

The error it gives is this:

Additional information: 'object' não contém uma definição para 'Unidade_Negocio'

This is my action with linq. It's a general linq.

public ActionResult Acao()
            RupturaEntities db = new RupturaEntities();

            var monta_arvore = db.Ruptura.Where(m => m.IDMotivo != 6)  

                               new MontaArvoreAcao{
                               IDRuptura = rup.IDRuptura,
                               DataRuptura = rup.DataRuptura,
                               IDMotivo = rup.IDMotivo,
                               Motivo = rup.Motivo.Motivo1,
                               IDOrigem = rup.IDOrigem,
                               CodigoPDV = rup.CodigoPDV,
                               UF  = rup.PDV.UF,
                               Cidade = rup.PDV.Cidade,
                               CnpjDescricao= rup.PDV.Cnpj + " - " + rup.PDV.Descricao,
                               Codigo_Apresentacao = rup.Codigo_Apresentacao,
                               Unidade_Negocio = rup.Apresentacao.Unidade_Negocio,
                               Franquia = rup.Apresentacao.Franquia,
                               Familia  = rup.Apresentacao.Familia,
                               Descricao = rup.Apresentacao.Descricao

            return View(monta_arvore);

So it is now:

                        @foreach (var item in Model)

                            <li item-checked='false' item-expanded='false'>
                                    <li item-checked='false' item-expanded='false'>
                                            <li item-checked='false' item-expanded='false'>
                                                    <li item-checked='false' item-expanded='false'>
Author: Maniero, 2014-09-16

1 answers

It is possible that it gives tag error, because to put a ul inside others, you have to put it inside a li, getting something like:

   @foreach (var item in Model)
         <li item-checked='false' item-expanded='false'>
                foreach (var item2 in item.Unidade_Negocio){//aqui colocas a lista que queres percorrer, item.Unidade_Negocio a partida só terá um elemento e não dá para fazer um foreach
                    <li item-checked='false' item-expanded='false'>
Author: CesarMiguel, 2014-09-16 14:02:58