
GTK3 and pressing the keyboard "C-GNU / LINUX"

How in GTK can I get the value of the pressed key (which key the user pressed) and then display it on the screen? As far as ... &i); __чтобы в переменную "i" помещалась буква которую я нажал__ g\_printf("button-press-event, %i \n", i); }

Problems installing GTK+ on Windows

I use Windows7 32, There was a problem with the installation of GTK+ I do everything as it is said in the manual on the off s ... ibs gtk+-3.0 bash: pkg-config: команда не найдена P.S. I added paths to MinGW, MSYS2, and GTK to the environment variables.

How to create a gui for Linux in c#?

There is a task to write a graphical program for Linux. Before that, I wrote only on WinForms. I read that under Linux for c# ... tk version 3.20 has already been released. Is there any other solution for Linux or is it possible to work with gtk# somehow?

What is the concept of GTK? Is it recommended to use it?

GTK is to 'create' desktop applications using PHP, I want to know how it works, is it a modified browser, with its own server ... ome something really quality, because PHP is a quality language, and a job can be done to make it a desktop language as well.