
What is heap fragmentation?

Please share your experience on the topic. What's it? How to identify it? How to deal with it? Maybe there is something important that you need to pay attention to?

Fragmentation in segmented and paged memory organization

Do I understand correctly that fragmentation in the page model is only possible at the level of virtual memory, as opposed to ... ry? But how is this better than fragmentation at the level of real memory, in any case, you will have to do defragmentation?

Change the bitness of the operating system that I write myself?

I write the OS. Due to the fact that I have little experience, I only know how to do this for 32-bit (my OS turns out to be 3 ... I compile my code in GNU Assembler using as in Ubuntu; C++ code using g++. If you find duplicates, please drop them the link.

What is a swap file, why is it needed, and where is it used?

I saw on one site that "if all the applications in the system released unused memory, only after it was full, the heavy use o ... Why would this "make the job just impossible"? What would it affect if it "made the job just impossible"? Work applications?

What is the difference between ring0 and ring1?

At the interview, they asked me the difference, but I couldn't answer. What is the difference between ring0 and ring1? Why a ... but they said that it was difficult. I tried Googling, but it's in English and it's not clear. Can someone explain clearly?

Page organization of memory

There were difficulties in understanding the representation of memory. Task: Let's say you have an architecture with a 32-b ... ifically, I ask you not to write the solution of the task, because my goal is to understand, and then give the answer myself.

How to combine the power of several computers running a single Linux system?

There are a lot of unnecessary, working system blocks lying around in the office. So I decided to combine them into a single ... t will she do? Yes, anything, even if will be a web server with an ip on the internet or just an Ubuntu or fedora workstation