
Validate Jquery does not work with Bootstrap Toggle

I'm using http://www.bootstraptoggle.com / , a simple toggle of true or false. Here is the Code: View: <form id="my ... *</span>" }, .... The "Allow" field is required. She needs to stay true. Validate is not working. Any solution ?

Check if CPF already exists with Jquery Validate

I am validating some fields of a form from an application that was made in Ruby on Rails. In this application has some query ... } }, }, messages: { 'cpf': { required: "Informe o CPF", remote: 'CPF já cadastrado' }, } });

Email and password validation using Keyup

I am using the code that tells me if both emails are identical, if both passwords are identical, and if they are at least 8 a ... dator').prop('disabled' , true); } else { $('#validator').prop('disabled' , false); } }) });