
Date in words in java

How do I display the date in words in Java? Example: 11 09 2018-eleventh of September two thousand and eighteenth year

Output date() in php with an arbitrary offset

Tell me how to output as short as possible in php echo (date("d M Y в H:i")); With a random offset in minutes from the current time, for example, take away 34 minutes?

How do I call the PHP code when selecting a date?

There is a field type="date" - calendar; and there is a code in PHP that must be executed when selecting a date using the Aja ... ] == 0) { $t .= '<option value="'.$a['StartTime'].'">'.$a['StartTime'].'</option>'; } } echo $t;

How do I translate data from Calendar to Date?

For the test, I call the calendar to select the date Layout <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/ ... impleDateFormat("dd - MM - yyyy"); String date = sdf.format(dateAndTime.getTime()); currentDateTime.setText(date); }

SimpleDateFormat format different results

Different value when formatting a date to a string on different machines. Calendar date = Calendar.getInstance(); SimpleDat ... _162" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_162-b12) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.162-b12, mixed mode)

Translating a date from one time zone to another

How do I translate a date from one time zone to another? Given the date 2015-09-14 10:29:01, in the time zone Europe/London ... this using the standard methods php? +If there are functions for checking the existence of a time zone in the database php

Too many values to unpack (expected 3) error when splitting a column

When using the split method for DataFrame Views, an error occurs: too many values to unpack (expected 3). The task is to spli ... then translate it into a date. What am I doing wrong, please tell me? Code: year, month, day = views.Date.str.split('/')

Fix the date to Russian in php

Here is a fragment of the site http://joxi.ru/RmzbkeoFWgML3m You need to display the full name of the month with a small lett ... echo "Срок истекает: unknown"; endif; ?> </span><!-- .entry-time -->

Working with a date in php sql

In general, the goal is as follows: You need to make a post placement for a time (1 year), i.e. in a year the post should not ... ); $sql = 'UPDATE `agrousadby` SET `mai_date_end` = '.$date_end.' WHERE `id` = '.$Param['id']; mysqli_query($CONNECT, $sql);

change the VARCHAR field type to DATE

Two years ago, the database was created, now I want to put it in order a little. It was incorrectly chosen (due to inexperie ... ach field, convert unix to YYYY-MM-DD, and write it back? And after that, change it type? The number of rows is about 3000.

How do I set the time zone in javascript? (set timezone offset javascript Date)

The browser rigidly sets the time zone of the date objects based on the time zone settings of the operating system. But in so ... d not go. How can I manually set the time zone offset in javascript? So that it is automatically applied to all Date objects?

How to add the number of days to the PHP date correctly

Date('d.m.Y', strtotime('10.08.2010') + 667 *86400); This does not work correctly gives the answer 07.06.2012 and should be 03.08.2012

php how do I add calendar months to a date?

Actually, I have this code here: $date_do_test = date_create($date3); $date_do_new = date_modify($date_do_test, ... xample, if you add THREE months to 31.03.18, it outputs 01.07.18 instead of 30.06.18. Please tell me how this can be fixed?

Time format in PHP

Please tell me, there is a code of the following type: <small>' ,$topic['description'],'</small> The descripti ... format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM: SS. How do I change this string so that the output date is in the format DD. MM. YYYY HH:MM? Thanks!

Change the date format in php

I have two fields in the database with dates date, date1 and in them the date is now displayed as follows: 2016-09-25.I want ... ."', '" . $_POST ['date'] ."', '" . $_POST ['date1'] ."', '" . $_POST ['time'] ."')") or $ret=false; echo $ret; ?>

DateFormat in Java

String a= "22-Серпня-2015 22:25:36 "; Locale loc_ukr = new Locale("uk", "UA"); DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-M ... Date date = format.parse(a); System.out.print(date); How do I display the date so that the console displays in Ukrainian?

Converting a String type to a Date

There is a String entry 01:22:00 (hh. mm. ss). You need to make it type Date. How can this be done? Second: There is a String record Sun Jan 24 23:59:20 SAMT 2016. How do I make it Date, but leave only the month and year?

Adding and subtracting dates. Java

Example: 11.09.2016 - 13.08.2013 = 29.0.3 11.09.2016 + 13.08.2013 = 24.5.4030 The input must be a string of the type 11. ... ns. BUT when converting the result (from milliseconds to a date), it turns out to be heresy. How can I add / subtract dates?

save in mysql database dd. mm. yyyy to yyyy-mm-dd php

Hello Basics, help a novice programmer to make a function with saving the date in MYSQL. The thing is, the user has a form in ... It stores the record in the reverse format yyyy-mm-dd how do I correctly save the entry entered by the user to the database?

Formatting a date in js

From the server I get 2016-06-15 12:12:47.000000 How to remove zeros, how to format so that there are no zeros?