
How do I calculate the end date and time?

I know the amount of time spent on work, I can output the date and time of the end of work, but without taking into account w ... ti){ rest = rest - ti t.setDate(t.getDate()+ 1) } else return (t.getDate(), starthour + rest) }; }

Get the date and time in unix time

There is a date and time, for example 08.06.2013 15:40. How can I get the unix time of this date using PHP?

How do I find out how much time is left until the new year?

How can I find out how many days are left until the new year on. Python programming language? In numeric format, so that you can display this message on the screen: how many days are left until the new year.

Get the dates of the current php week

You need to print the dates of the current week <?php for($i = 1;$i < 7;$i++) { ?> <div class="<?php echo ... ")); ?>"></div> <?php } ?> This is how it works, but of course it doesn't display the current date...

Output the date in the desired format (abbreviation)?

There is already a date in the format 2012-05-05 00:00:00 How can I shorten it, leaving only the date, and remove the hours, ... es, and seconds? Of course, you can explode, but maybe there is something more efficient, for example, through the same date?

Constantly updating JLabel

I want to make a clock in Java (Swing) and then there was a problem. At first, I wanted to do the update through an infinite ... know how to implement it, there is an assumption that it can be done through multithreading. Please advise me how to do this.

Correct java date validation check?

There is a edittext to enter the date from the datepicker in the format dd. MM. yyyy //считываю выбранный день месяц год int ... ords, the input order seems to be made. Thanks. I'm just learning...don't kick too hard and this is my first question here...

How do I compare a given time with the current one? js

I'm making a movie theater website. There is such a function that when you click on a certain button, it draws the desired h ... backgroundColor = '#3296C1'; selectedHall.classList.remove('displayNone'); } } } drawSelectedHall();

How do I convert a date string to the YYYY-MM-DD format?

There is a special calendar module for tkinter called tkcalendar. When taking data from such a calendar, I get a string like ... nd sometimes changes the month and day in places. Please tell me a more accurate date parser that will not allow such errors.

Date in the MySQL database from DateTimePicker

In DateTimePicker1 from MySQL, the date is formatted and flipped automatically by the query: ...DATE_FORMAT(`from_date`, "%d. ... general, I moved away from the topic of the question. What should I do? How to write a date from a datepicker to the database

How do I get the difference between two dates in years, months, and days?

There are two dates: date1 = 20201231 date2 = 20311105 How to get the difference between them in the form: d_years = date ... _months = date2-date1 d_days = date2-date1 print(f'delta : \n in days {d_days}\n in months {d_months}\n in years {d_years}')

How do I get a date in js with the desired utc (+3)?

You need to return the time from + 3 hours to utc

You need to calculate the date that will come in M days c++

Completed the task for the next day's output. You need to calculate the date that will come in M days. With this problem, ple ... ut << "Завтра: " << day << "." << month << "." << year << endl; getch(); } ```

js find out how many years have passed since the specified date. There are extra 60 years

const date1 = new Date(2000, 12, 4); console.log(new Date(new Date().getTime() - date1.getTime()).getYear()); I'm trying to ... rs have passed from a given date to the current moment. But for some reason, the result is 60 years longer than it should be.

sort Linux does not sort the date by the-M key

There is such a problem when using the sort command. There is a file with this content: And I need to sort by date, but it's still done alphabetically: How do I fix this?

Get the world time via the api using JS (API request)

How can I get the time of a non-computer user via let time = new Date().getTime(); Without using other programming langua ... rks. And to get the time via the API, without relying on either the server time or the time installed on the user's computer?

How do I add localization to the datapicker calendar in pure js?

There is a calendar datapicker on pure javascript. document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { if (datepi ... 1, isRTL: false, showMonthAfterYear: false, yearSuffix: "" }; datepicker.setDefaults( datepicker.regional.ru );

Kotlin working with date and time

I'm trying to figure out how to work with the date and time in Kotlin So far, everything that I found looks like crutches, ... "); Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.setTime(sdf.parse(dt)); c.add(Calendar.DATE, 1); dt = sdf.format(c.getTime());

Find out the number of weeks in a year

Hello! Help me find out the number of weeks in a year using php.

Compare dates

How correct is it to compare dates in this way? $today = date('Y-m-d'); $outdate = "2011-11-02"; if($today >= $outdate) ... into different timestamps, but it looks like now, if you set the date in this format. everything should be OK, shouldn't it?